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毕业设计(论文) PAGE II 摘 要 随着世界汽车整车产业的发展,汽车运用技术的不断成熟,人们对汽车的性能要求不断的提高特别在燃油方面最为突出,人们大多喜欢采用节能环保的车型,针对这一发展趋势汽车生产厂商必须在燃油供给方面下大功夫。 桑塔纳2000的燃油供给系统就是其中一部分,而燃油供给系统在汽车节能和环保方面起到了重要作用。但又会在行使过程中由于各种外界因素的影响,从而使燃油供给系统出现一系列故障。而燃油供给系统直接影响着汽车行使的稳定性和节能环保性,为此本文通过对桑塔纳2000燃油供给系统的元件介绍,分析故障和诊断排除。并与实例结合分析燃油供给系统常出现故障进行诊断排除。 关键词:燃油供给系统;元件检修;故障诊断排除 Abstract As the world automobile industry, automotive use of technology matures, the performance requirements for motor vehicles by increasing the fuel, especially in the most prominent, most people prefer the use of energy saving and environmental protection model for the direction of this development, automobile production manufacturers must be big in the fuel supply-side efforts。 Santana 2000, the fuel supply system is part of its energy-saving and environmental protection in the car played an important role. However, in the exercise of the course of the outside world as a result of various factors in the impact of the fuel supply system so that a series of failures. Fuel supply system and a direct impact on the exercise of a motor vehicle with the stability and energy saving and environmental protection, and to this end this article on the Santana 2000, the fuel supply system components, the analysis of fault and ruled out the diagnosis. Focuses on the 2000 Santa common fuel supply system fault diagnosis and maintenance. Key words:fuel supply system;component maintenance;fault diagnosis to exclude 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \f \h \z HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263010034" 第1章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc263010034 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263010035" 第2章 燃油供给系统与环境关系 PAGEREF _Toc263010035 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263010036" 2.1 汽车尾气成因 PAGEREF _Toc263010036 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263010037" 2.2 废气排放物对人体危害 PAGEREF _Toc263010037 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263010038" 2.3 汽车尾气排放净化措施 PAGEREF _Toc263010038 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263010039" 第3章 燃油供给系统主要元件构造和功用 PAGEREF _Toc263010039 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc263010040" 3.1 燃油供给系统组成 PAGEREF _Toc263010040 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc26301004


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