如何为客人服务西式晚宴 02-01How to serve a western set meal.ppt

如何为客人服务西式晚宴 02-01How to serve a western set meal.ppt

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Objective (目标) By the end of this session, our objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to serve a Western Set Meal” with confidence, and according to our defined standards. 在本次课程的结尾,我们的目标是确保你能按照我们所讲授的标准学会“如何为客人服务西式晚宴”. Any Questions? 有什么问题吗? 1. Check bread and butter service 检查面包和黄油服务 When do we serve bread and butter? 我们什么时候服务面包和黄油? Prior to the meal according to the program laid down by organiser 在组织者要求开餐的时间之前 Bread and butter will be replenished through the meal until main course is served 在客人用餐期间应当不断补充面包和黄油直到客人用完主菜 Who is responsible for serving bread and butter? 谁负责服务面包和黄油? Assigned employees 被指派的员工 2. Check the beverage service 检查酒水服务 What do we need to ensure? 我们必须确保什么? Wines and beverages that are accompanying the meal need to be served prior to the food service according to sequence 葡萄酒和饮料的服务应当根据服务食品的顺序进行 Who is responsible for serving beverages? 谁负责服务酒水? Assigned Employees 被指派的员工 2. Check the beverage service 检查酒水服务 What beverages do we serve? 我们服务什么饮料? As per BEO 根据宴会预定单的要求 What do we need to ensure? 我们必须确保什么? Cold beverages are served chilled (white wine, champagne.) 冰的酒水必须是冰的(白葡萄酒,香槟) Beverages are served as per standard measures 酒水要根据标准量进行服务 2. Check the beverage service 检查酒水服务 Always check with the guest if refill is required – do not continue pouring 酒水续杯都必须经过客人的同意 Offer white wine with light dishes and red wine with meat dishes as per BEO 按照宴会预定单之要求清单的清淡菜肴配以白葡萄酒,红肉类的菜肴配以红葡萄酒 3. Select the tray 选择托盘 What do we need to ensure? 我们必须确保什么? Clean and dry 必须是干净和干的 In good condition 能够正常使用 Clean tray cloth if silver tray 如果是银托盘必须要垫上干净的托盘布 4. Standby to pick up the first course 等候取头盘 Where do we need to wait? 我们必须在哪里等候? At the food pick up 在指定取食品的地方 Who is responsible for picking up food? 谁负责取食品? Assigned Employees 被指派的员工 5.



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