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Agenda/议程 Euro Market Update/欧元市场动态 Growing Economic Powerhouse of EU/欧元区经济的发展 Expanding Eurozone/扩张中的欧元区 Increasing size of eurozone will further emphasise the importance of this market 欧元区的扩张彰显其市场的重要性 The Shifting Pattern of Global Payments全球支付领域的消长 Target 1 – National and Cross Border Systems Co-Exist/国内与跨境系统并存 Underlying Euro Payment Systems 欧元支付系统 TARGET Euro Banking Association operates 欧洲银行协会经营下的 EURO1, STEP 1 and STEP 2 TARGET links the high value RTGS clearing systems of the eurozone plus euro RTGS of non-eurozone countries that were at stage 3 at time TARGET was created /TARGET 在建立之初即与欧元区及以下国家的大额实时总结算系统(RTGS)相连: Denmark 丹麦 Sweden 瑞典 United Kingdom 英国 The above have direct links to TARGET. In addition the Swiss euroSIC system has a direct link to RTGSplus (German RTGS) which in turn links to TARGET /除此之外,瑞士的euroSIC系统通过RTGSplus(德国的实时总结算系统)与TARGET间接联网 TARGET Operational between 0700 CET and 1700 CET for all payments and between 1700 CET and 1800 CET for member to member payments only /TARGET清算运作时间为欧洲中部时间上午7时至下午5时,其后的下午5时至6时仅接受成员行间的款项支付清算 STEP 1 effectively enables banks to gain access to EURO 1 but without obligations and membership criteria of EURO 1. Cut-off time of 1400 CET /STEP 1有效地使银行进入EURO 1清算,营运截止时间为欧洲中部时间下午2点 STEP 2 low value bulk payments, EU Regulation Compliant. Cut off time of 2200hrs on VD-1. / STEP 2小额批处理支付系统截止时间为起息日前一日晚间10点 Underlying Euro Payment Systems –TARGET Payment Flow 欧元支付系统 – TARGET支付流程 Underlying Euro Payment Systems –TARGET Payment Flow 欧元支付系统 – TARGET支付流程 Step 1/步骤一: Bank A in Italy sends interbank or commercial payment orders in local format to its national RTGS system (New BIREL). 意大利的A银行按照当地标准向该国RTGS系统发送付款指示 Step 2/步骤二: The national central bank (Banca d‘Italia) checks whether Bank A has sufficient funds in its account or the equivalent collateral for the execution of the payment. 该国中央银行审核A银行是否有能力进行支付 Step 3/步骤三: If so, the order is debited to the account of Bank A and credited to the interlinking account of the c


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