毕业论文 水电工程碾压混凝土重力坝设计.doc

毕业论文 水电工程碾压混凝土重力坝设计.doc

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毕业设计 题 目 水电工程碾压混凝土重力坝设计 专 业 水 利 水 电 工 程 摘要:香山水利枢纽位于大清河中游,距下游香山市约30公里。该工程是一座以发电为主,兼顾防洪、灌溉的综合利用水利枢纽,主要是为满足国家急待的能源需求而兴建的水力发电工程。本设计内容分为四个部分:水文水利计算、枢纽布置及坝型论证、深入坝工设计、施工初步设计,其中重点为深入坝工设计。通过水文水利计算,确定了工程等别为一等,主要建筑物级别为1级,次要建筑物级别为3级,泄洪方式为坝身表孔(7孔)泄洪,电站装机容量为60万KW,分四台机组。通过坝型比较,从香山水利枢纽工程的地形条件、工程地质及水文地质、水文气象、施工条件等方面论证了碾压混凝土坝的可行性,并进行了相应的枢纽布置。深入坝工设计部分利用抗滑稳定公式开展了坝体沿坝基面和碾压层面的稳定分析,利用材料力学法进行了应力计算,还对溢流坝段、底孔坝段、厂房坝段等典型剖面进行了设计及对坝体构造和地基处理进行了设计。施工初步设计确定了导流标准及导流设计流量,选取了导流方案,确定了导流建筑物的型式和位置,最后还绘制出了施工控制性进度计划表。设计成果包括设计说明书一份,计算书一份,工程图纸六张。 关键词:碾压混凝土重力坝、香山水电工程、水文水利计算、枢纽布置、坝工设计、施工初步设计; The Design of RCC gravity dam on Xiangshan Hydropower Project Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Student:Deng Ziqian Advisor:Zhang Lin Abstract :Xiangshan hydropower project locates in the middle of the Daqinghe Rriver, about thirty kilometers to Xiangshan city downstream. The project is a integrated utilization of water conservancy hub which is mainly in power generation, taking into account flood control and irrigation,constructed to meet the countrys urgent energy .The design is divided into four parts :hydrological and hydraulic calculation, the general project layout and the dam type argument, depth of dam design and construction of the preliminary design. which focuses on the depth of dam design. By hydrological and hydraulic calculation,define the rank of the project isⅠrank,main buildings’ grade are 1st grade,others are 3rd ,the methods of flood discharge is crest outlet on the dam(7 holes), installed capacity of the water power station is 600 thousand KW,allotted to 4 hydroturbine.By the comparison of dam type, According to the analysis of Xiangshan Project’s terrain conditions, engineering geology and hydrogeology, hydrological meteorological and the basic information of construction condition demonstrates the feasibility of the roller compacted concrete dam,and finish the project layout. The part of depth dam design carry out stability analysis of the dam?


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