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摘要 电子秤是将检测与转换技术、计算机技术、信息处理、数字技术等技术综合一体的现代新型称重仪器。它与我们日常生活紧密结合息息相关。
关键词 AT89S52单片机;电子秤;压力传感器;HX711
Wireless temperature detecting system design Based on MCU
Profession: Electronic and Information Engineering Class:
Name : Instructor :
Abstract With Intelligent electronic scale is the detection and conversion technology, computer technology, information processing, digital technology, an integrated modern technology of new weighing equipment.
Ectronic scale takes SCM as its central controling unit,and achieves AD transform through weighting transducer,then adds keybord,display circuit and powerful softerwear. It is not only accurate,swift,and convenient, but also makes an important effect to people’s life by its automatic weightment and digital display, so it becomes more and more popular.
The design of this system gives its eleboration from 3 parts: Hardwear circuit design,softwear programme debugging and entity weld debugging.
Hardwear circuit reaches data processing by the controling unit which based on AT89S52,and gathers data by weighting transducer,then makes AD transform by HX711 to the data gathered, and the transformed data then transferred to AT89S52 for display prosessing, at last LCD1602 would show it out steadily without twinkling
Keywords :MCU, AT89S52 SCMC;Electrnoic Scale;Load sensor; HX711
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