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LED照明技术现状调查分析 摘 要 LED作为新的、最有潜力的光源,越来越引起人们的重视。LED从早期仅仅作为一只普通的指示小灯,用在像电视机、录音机等家电上,到今天被广泛地用作户外显示、交通信号、汽车尾灯和景观照明,以及正在开始的路灯照明和大尺寸LCD背光光源,经历了差不多20-30年的时间,其发展之迅速是有目共睹的。特别是LED在5-10年将进入通用照明市场的预期更是牵动了无数颗激动的心,有很多有志之士想在这方面有所贡献,或参与到这个历史的洪流当中。也正是因为大量人力、物力的投入,才使得LED照明技术和市场近几年发展的异常迅速。 关键词:LED;光源;指示小灯;路灯照明;发展;异常迅速 Abstract LED for new, the most potential source of light, more and more attracted people's attention. LED from the early merely as a common instructions small lights, like TV sets in, tape recorder, home appliance, today be widely used as a outdoor display, traffic signal, automobile tail lights and landscape lighting, and are beginning to the street lamp lighting and big size LCD backlighting the light source, experienced almost 20 to 30 years, the rapid development of it is obvious to all. Especially in LED 5-10 years will enter the general lighting market expectations but also affects the millions of excited heart, there are a lot of people with lofty ideals to make some contributions in this, or to participate in the history of the stream. It is also because a large number of manpower and material resources into, that LED lighting technology and market in recent years the rapid development of abnormal. key words:LED; Light source; Instructions small lights; Street lamp lighting; Development; Exceptionally rapid 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 论文的研究背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究历程及概况 3 1.3 论文的研究目标及内容 3 第2章 LED照明技术的特点 5 2.1 LED的基本概念和特点 5 2.1.1 LED的基础概念 5 2.1.2 LED术语 5 2.1.3 LED的发光特点 6 2.2 LED照明原理 7 2.2.1原理简介 7 2.2.2性能特点 8 2.2.3 LED照明的设计理念 8 2.3 LED照明的优点 9 2.4 LED照明的缺点 10 2.5 LED的基础运用 10 2.6 LED照明与光纤照明的比较 11 第3章LED技术的现状 15 3.1 国外LED技术现状分析 15 3.2 国内LED技术现状分析 18 3.3 LED 制造技术分析 20 第4章LED照明技术发展趋势 22 4.1 LED照明的技术的前景 22 4.2 LED未来发展的方向 22 4.3 提升LED 产业发展的几点意见 24 结束语 26 致 谢 27 参考文献 28 绪论 MACROBUTTON MTEditEquationSection2 SEQ MTEqn \r \h SEQ MTSec \h 论文的研究背景及意义 LED


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