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MBA 联考应试辅导——英语看图说话/现象分析类作文模板 ? 2009-12-9 ?来源:本站原创 第一段: 看图说话 What a vivid and thought-provoking picture! As depicted in the image, there is/are简单描述图画内容 (可采用There be 句型). It is beyond any doubt that what the illustrator intends to convey in the picture is far reaching. By demonstrating the phenomenon of 主题性名词(即图画所讽刺的现象,如global water shortage,写不出来就写 this phenomenon),,the illustrator reminds us that such issue cannot be neglected and needs greater attention. 现象分析:两个意群: 1. 现象介绍: 关于(主题性名词) a.当现象可以用一个名词说清楚时: b当现象不能用名词说清楚的时候,+that 用简单句说明现象内容,描写图标内容。 Recently (主题性名词)has become one of the most controversial topics in public / in the international community. 2. 据例子说明现象的普遍性:1-2个例子:According to the data given by the relevant government, as many as xx% of the people surveyed have such experience. (请灵活运用这句,例:as many as 95% of the Chinese surveyed had used disposable chopsticks.) 举例 原则:简单化,生活化,具体化, 可以引用 媒体数据:电视,报纸等。 身边朋友的例子等等。 第二段(和图表一模一样) 影响: So far as I’m concerned, I believe that such phenomenon will give rise to a series of consequences. First and foremost, it will exert a far-reaching / negative impact on 名词, 如:living environment ; A case in point is that 简单句型 (如: we have only one earth. 这点是例子,可写可不写) ; Besides, it may bring about a considerable change/damage to_名词, 如: environment degradation . One more point that can’t be ignored is that 简单句型 . 原因: Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned phenomenon may be summarized as follows. First and foremost, with the rapid development of Chinese economy, the living standards are highly improved. Thus, 简单句型(如: wine is no longer a luxury) ; (这一条能适用于大部分与国情相关的考题,但不是万金油原因,请慎用) Besides, it is often found that / it is commonly agreed that 简单句型 . A case in point is that 简单句型 (这点是例子,可写可不写) ; One more point that can’t be ignored is that 简单句型 . 第二段简单句型参考: 1.???????? A bring(s) about B:A 导致了B 2.???????? Thanks to / in the wake of / A, B is/are o


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