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62 63 64 30 31 PRINT as a handout. ASK them to feed back to you 32 ASK people to come up and each draw a face on a chart of how they are feeling at the moment about the session. EXPLAIN that as well as punctuating these sorts of activity energise a group 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 This slide is too small for participants to read on screen Make a joke about their eyesight SHOW it and pass quickly through tot he next four (readable) charts 44 This slide is too small for participants to read on screen Make a joke about their eyesight SHOW it and pass quickly through tot he next four (readable) charts 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Adults learn best when they are being treated with respect 当成人有被尊重的时候,他门会学习的最好。 Adults are capable to taking responsibility for their own learning 成人们可以为自己的学习负责任 The adult is a partner in the learning process 成人是学习过程中的夥伴 Adults are internally motivated to develop increased effectiveness. 成人是自我激励去发展更强的影响力 Affirm the experience of participants 肯定参与者的经验 Incorporate self-directed learning activities in the programme design 当设计课程时,可融入"自我导向"的学习疃 Participants should actively influence the learning approach 参与者应该积极主动的去影响学习的过程 Make all learner evaluation self-directed. 让所有学习者的评估属於“自我导向” 型的 Adult Learning 成人学习 Principles 方针 Design Implications 对设计的含意 Adult learners apply learning that they have been influential in planning. 成人会运用他们在企划中就有影响力的学习 Adult learners gain through two-way communication. 成人学习者从双向沟通中获得 Adults learn through reflection on their and other’s experience. 成人从自己及他人的经验反映上学习 Diagnose and prioritise learning needs and preference during the course as well as before. 在学习中和学习前,判断并排出学习的需求及喜好的重要性。 Avoid over-use of lectures and alking-to? emphasise discussion and dialogue. 避免过多的讲授和教导的方式,强调讨论和对话 Use interactive methods such as case studies, role-playing etc. 用互动的方式,如个案学习、角色扮演..等等。 Adult Learning 成人学习 Principles 方针 Design Implications 对设计的含意 青苹果出品 必属精品 /cuiyuliu 淘宝店: 联系QQ:1404173290 囊括2007-2010几十G地产策划


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