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答辩委员会成员名单姓名 答辩委员会成员名单 姓名 工作单位 职称 备注 戴祥庆 上海水产研究所 研究员 主席 唐文乔 上海海洋大学 教授 委员 鲍宝龙 上海海洋大学 教授 委员 委员 委员 委员 委员 刘东 上海海洋大学 讲师 秘书 答辩地点 生命学院A208 答辩日期 20lO.6.11 ContentABSTR Content ABSTR ACT 。I Introduction ..1 Chapter 1 Quantification for protein induction ofVgB. . ........ . .... . .. .6. 1.Materials and methods . .6 1.1 Experimental animals.blood and tissue samples ..6 1.2 Purification ofVgB ..6 1.3 Preparation of antisera . . ..6 1.4 Immunological methods .7 1.5 Histology 9 2.Results . ..9 2。1 Development ofCLIA .: .。9 2.2 Oocyte development in red 1ip mullet ..16 2.3 Field survey .: .1 8 3.Discussion .2I Chapter 2 Quantification for mRNA expression ofVgB 22 1.Materials and methods :!:1 1.1 Experimental animals.blood and tissue samples .22 1.2 Isolation oftotal RNA 22 1.3 Reverse transcription ..:!:1 1.4 Molecular cloning ofpatial cDNAs encoding Vgs and EFl一仪 .22 1.5 qPCR ofVgB mRNA .25 2.R(:suits .28 2.1 Molecular cloning ofpartial cDNAs encoding Vgs and EFl一仪 ..28 2.2 Development of qPCR for VgB .. ... . . .. . ..... .... ... ..:19 :;.Discussion.. .. ........ . .. . ... .. . . ........ .... . . . ..3l Chapter 3 Estrogenic activities environments in the Yangtze River estuary,China. ...32 1.Materials and methods. ... . ... . ..:.. . ...... . . .. . .:;:1 1-1 Fish and sample collection.: ..32 1.2 Detection ofVgB 33 1.3 Histology .33 2..Results ..: .., : 33 ’2.1 Concentration ofVgB in serum .. 33 ‘2.2·Quantification ofVgB mRNA in liver .:.: j..: 。34 2.3 Histological condition ofthe gonads .34 .3.Discussion .; ..。 ... .: .: .... ..: ‘ 3(; Conclusion ..39 References ..41 Acknowledgments ..48 上海海洋大学硕士学位论文Evaluation 上海海洋大学硕士学位论文 Evaluation of Environmental Estrogenic Activities in the Yangtze River Estuary,China:Utilization of Vitellogenin Production in Red Lip Mullet(Liza haematocheila) ABSTRACT The obj ective of the present study was to survey estrogenic activities in coastal aquatic environments in China



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