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论我国公务员制度的完善宪法与行政法学专业 论我国公务员制度的完善 宪法与行政法学专业 研究生:黄岽岽 指导老师:杨泉明 摘要: 公务员制度是现代化的政府人事管理制度,科学的公务员制度对 于提高公务人员的素质和政府工作效率具有重要的作用。我国公务员制度始于 1993年,迄今已有15年的历史。经过短短15年的探索与实践,我国公务员制度 建设己取得了令人瞩目的成就,特别是《公务员法》的颁布和实施,对于进一 步健全和完善我国公务员制度具有里程碑式的意义。但同时,我国公务员制度 建设起步较晚、加之又受本国特定政治、经济、文化等诸多因素的制约,因此 存在不少的问题,距离公务员制度现代化目标还有很长的一段距离,需亟待进 一步完善。本文以公务员制度的理论研究为前提,通过对我国公务员制度的现 状分析以及对各国公务员制度在范围的界定、分类管理制度、职务管理和公务 员权利救济四个方面进行比较?揭示了各国公务员制度的特点,并以借鉴西方 公务员制度的有利经验来完善我国公务员具体制度的设计。 关键词:公务员制度录用制度权利救济制度考核制度 On On the Consummation of China’S Civilian system Major:Constitutional Law and Administrative Law Postgraduate:Huang Dongdong Tutor:Yang Quanming Abstract:Civil service system is a scientific and modem administrative system which is playing an irreplaceable role to improve civil servant’S quality and administration efficiency. It has been over 1 5 years since The Statute of National Civilians was promulgated in 1 993.The development of China’S civilian system has made prominent effects.In particular,the promulgation and implementation of Civilian Law was a milestone to further consummate China’S civilian system.But meanwhile,as the development of China’S civilian system has just experienced a short history and isrestricted by China’S special political,economic and cultural conditions,there still exist some problems in China’S civilian system and there is a long way to go for the modernization of China’S civilian system. The article focuses on the theoretical study of the Civil Service System,through the comparison between China and the West in the four aspects which are the basic principles.classification management system,protection of the fights and obligations of civil servants control,the article reveals the same and the different between the civil service system of Chim and the West in order to improve specific system design of China’S Civil Service System by learning advanced management experience from the West. Key words:Civilian System Employment System Redress System of right Assessment System 玎 四川


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