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摘 摘 要 美援是美国战后推行其外交政策、实现对外战略的重要手段和工具。政府对外 援助作为美国战后对外政策的重要手段至今已有60多年的历史。美国是世界头号强 国,在中东有着重大的利益和影响,美国的中东政策是美国全球战略的一个重要组 成部分。而在中东地区,美国与以色列的关系是最引入瞩目的。 在以色列的巨额外援来源中,美国一直是最大也是最慷慨的施主。在过去的半 个多世纪,美国向以色列投入了大量经济和军事援助。严格来说,以色列并不是美 国的正式盟国,但是美国对以色列的军援,无论是数量之多,技术之精,还是持续 时间之长,都是连美国最亲密的盟国也望尘莫及的。美国长期的军事援助不但帮助 以色列成长为地区军事强国,也帮助以色列减轻了沉重的国防开支负担。美援如一 根红线,贯穿于美以关系的全过程。在美国慷慨援助的背后,其原因也是深刻而复 杂的。 本文主体部分分为五章:第一章叙述冷战期间美以关系的演变及美国对以色列 援助的类型;第二章分析美国对以色列援助的原因;第三章指出美国对以色列援助 对以色列外交政策的影响;第四章指出美国援助以色列对中东和平进程的影响;第 五章从援助角度对美以关系2l世纪发展进行展望,并预见美国中东战略面临的挑战 及对美以关系的影响。 关键词:美以关系;。对外援助;战略利益;美国中东战略 AbstractThe Abstract The American aid is the important means and tool to carry out her foreign policy and realize her foreign strategy in postwar,which has more than 60 years history until now. The US is the most powerful nation in the world,which has the significant benefits and influences in the Middle East.Thus,the Middle East policy is an important component of US global strategy.In the Middle East,the relation between American and Israel is the most conspicuous. The US has been the most generous donor in Israel’S large amount foreign aid.In the past half century,the US invested massive economic and military assistance to Israel. Strictly,Israel is not the official allied country of the US;however,the military aid of US to Israel is in great quantity,in fine technology and in long duration.That is unmatched with even the most intimate allied countries of the US.With the help of US long-term military assistance,Israel grows into military power and lightens the serious defense spending burden.The American aid likes a red line,which passes through the entire process of the US—Israel relations.The reason of the American generous aid is also profound and complex. The main body of this article divides into five chapters.The first chapter describes the evolution of US and Israel relations in cold war and the types of US aids to Israel;The second chapter analyzes the reasons of US aids to Israel;The third chapter pointed out



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