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摘 摘 要 立交景观设计是--f-j涉及面广,专业性强的新兴边缘学科,融合了多学科的 知识,体现了当代交通趋于美的历史潮流。目前我国交通基础设旌建设的大规模 发展、人们观念的不断更新以及环保意识的增强,使立交景观设计目益受到人们 的重视。本文首先阐述立交景观设计的概念,提出立交景观设计的步骤,然后以 立交景观设计的一般原则为出发点,从立交的规划布局、立交的造型、线形、桥 跨、附属设施及绿化、美化等各方面综合论述了立交景观设计应考虑的内容和应 遵循的设计原则。 在对长沙南大桥西桥头立交设计的实证研究中,本文结合立交景观设计理 论,首先介绍西桥头立交的设计概况:然后分析立交范围的景观特点,并根据规 划设计要求提出西桥头立交景观设计的总体构思;再运用立交景观设计的理论对 立交各部分进行设计;最后总结西桥头立交景观设计的经验和不足。 本文对我国立交景观设计提出建议,我们在设计时应贯彻尊重自然、保护环 境、因地制宜、以人为本的思想,从而创造出一个安全、快捷、舒适、优美的立 交环境,以达到保护环境,实现可持续发展的目的。 关键词: 立交景观 景观设计 设计原则 AbstractInterchange Abstract Interchange landscape design is a new and borderline subject.The infrastructure construction of oar country has been in large—scale development.People attend lnore and more importance to interchange landscape design with the renewal of their ideal and the increase of the consciousness of protecting environment.The essay sets forth definition of imerchange landscape design and puts forward procedure of interchange landscape design first.Then it discusses the COITIIIIOn principles of interchange landscape design and expounds the content and design principles that interchange landscape design should be thought over. The essay combines theory of the common principles of interchange landscape design with the empirical research on interchange design of west bridgehead of the Changsha South Bridge.It introduces the generM situation of the interchange first.It analyses the landscape’s characteristic of west bridgehead interchange next,It raises overall conception of landscape design of the west bridgehead on the basis of design demand and controls every parts of interchange on the basis of design principle.At 1ast it summarizes the design’s experiences and weaknesses ofwest bridgehead. The essay proposes we should respect nature,protect environment and suit measures to local conditions when we design interchange landscape.Thus we can create a safe,fast,comfortable and graceful interchange environment to achieve continued development. Key Words:Interchange Landscape La


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