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开支两方面的分解,探索了盈利能力提高的各种可能性。全文第六章, 通过商业模式画布的方法,重新描绘了QJYC 的全新商业模式,及新模 式的执行策略。第七章是本研究的总结和展望。 本文的研究结果对QJYC 未来的发展将起到非常重要的意义,在本 文得出QJYC 新商业模式的当下,管理层已经在五角场以外,江宁路长 寿路交界口的圣天地商务楼5 层,复制了QJYC 的第一家服装实体零售 连锁分店,这家店同时也是一家线上线下同步销售的样板店,服务公司 向O2O 转型的大战略,如果新模式大方向正确,预计今年的总销售额可 以在去年基础上上涨超过50%,达到500 万,会员总数增加10%,达到 3500 名,利润也会获得相应增加。 关键词:商业模式,盈利模式,O2O,价值主张,盈利能力 万方数据 THE RESEARCH ON THE BUSSINESS MODEL OF X COMPANY’S QJYC UNIT ABSTRACT Due to the rapid development of E-commerce in recent years, people's consumption habits are undergoing tremendous changes. More and more customers who used to shop in the traditional retail channels, are turning to the online shopping, which brought us the whole retail industry very big challenges. Company X's QJYC unit, as a drop in the traditional retail industry, also faces the competition pressure from online retail channels. Although QJYC maintained double-digit sales rises in recent two years, but the customer churn is really bad, especially in the past half year. If we follow the current model, it will be at most 3 years in which we will be abandoned by the customers. That’s why it is extremely important to do the business model innovation research at this stage. This paper is made up of seven chapters. Chapter 1 described the background and meaning of this research and then presented the research 万方数据 methods and frame. Chapter 2 reviewed past researches on the concept of business model, and the innovation methods, also the concept of profit model and O2O, thus provided this paper its theory basis. Chapter 3 first analyzed the status quo



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