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(General concept of disease);;35 years old man, smokes several packs of cigarettes a day, has three or more drinks every evening, is overweight, and is often anxious. The other does not smoke, drinks alcohol rarely, exercises regularly, and is relaxed and confident. Both people pass all laboratory tests and are declared free of disease. Question Are they equally healthy? ;(Concepts of health and disease); (Concept of health); (Concept of health);(Concept of disease);generally accepted: Disease is defined as an abnormal life process which is induced by disorders of homeostasis under the action of certain cause(s). 目前比较公认的概念:疾病是在一定病因作用下,机体的自稳调节紊乱而导致的异常生命活动过程(包括躯体、精神和社会适应)。;;;;. sub-health (亚健康): 指介于健康与疾 病之间的状态,于80年代由布赫曼提出,为 目前医学研究的热点,发生率高。 亚健康的表现形式: 躯体性~:疲乏无力,精神不振 心理性~:烦躁易怒,失眠焦虑 人际交往~:关系不稳定,心理距离变 大,孤独感。; 亚健康的转化 ; 研究疾病发生的原因与条件及其作用的规律。; (Etiological factors);(Classification of etiological factors);1. 生物性因素 (biological factors); 2. 理化性因素;3. 化学性因素(chemical agents);白毒伞;4. 营养性因素 (nutritional factors) ; 营养因素(nutritional factors) 各类必需或营养物质缺乏或过剩。 ;5. 遗传性因素 (hereditary factors);(genetic predisposition) ; (congenital factors); 先天性因素( congenital factors) —指妊娠期能损害胎儿生长发育的有害因素 ;7. 免疫性因素 (immunological factors) ;◆自身免疫性疾病(autoimmune disease) ;8. 精神、心理和社会因素 (psychological factors);紧张的工作;(Precipitating factor of disease) ;◆ 身体条件 ◆ 自然条件 ◆ 社会条件;;病因;(Pathogenesis) ;(General rules of disease development) ;Four laws (四大规律): 1. Imbalance and regulation of homeostasis 2. Damage and anti-damage 3. Alternation of cause and result 4. Local-systemic relationship ;(The reverse of cause-result in disease process);Vicious cycle during hemorrhagic shock;大失血时的因果交替示意图; (Damage and anti-damage responses);感染;;肾性骨病;(The basic mechanisms of disease); 1.neural mechanism (1).直接损害神经系统 ◆乙型脑炎病毒?破坏CNS ? 乙型脑炎;ACh堆积;2. humoral


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