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的 的 立 法 进 行 了 展 望 。 关 键 词 : 国 际私 法 、冲 突 法 、 直 接 适 用 的 法 中 图分 类 号 :D 997 2 A b A b s t r a c t T h e concept of “R u les of Im m ediate A pp lication w as firstly introdu ced by F ren ch Sch olar P ho cion F ran cescakis an d h ad a history of only a few decad es. T heoretically sp eakin g,the introdu ction of th is concept h as exerted a stron g im p act on the tradition al im p lem entation of conflict rules in the International P rivate L aw s, in w h ich “R u les of Im m ediate A pp lication”h as b ecom e one of th e m o st controversial top ics. In practical p erspectiv e, th e con cep t of R ules of Im m ediate A pp lication ,, m ad e scholars start to attach great im p ortan ce to the p ublic p olicies an d v alu e orien tation b eh in d th e ru les p er se, w hich to so m e ex tent has sh ow ed th e tren d o f International P riv ate law b ecom ing public oriented . D espite th e sh ort history o f th e introdu ction of R u les o f Im m ediate A pp lication ”, scho lars from all ov er th e w orld has form ed blo ssom s of op inion s tow ards th is con cept. D ifferent sch olars w orldw ide from th e con cept initiator, F ren ch sch o lar P h o cion F ran cescakis to th e B ritish S cho lar M orris,an d to D eutsch e S ch olar K eg el, all of w hich h as n am ed th is con cept in different w ay s. W h ile in C h ina,th ough w e som ew h at h ad a late start,sch olars rep resented by P rofessor H an D ep ei all h av e expressed th eir op inion s an d un d erstandin g s of “R u les of Im m ediate A pp lication ”. W ith th e continu ou s im prov em ent of the con cept theoretically throu gh arduou s efforts of sch olars all ov er th e w orld,“R u les of Im m ed iate A pp lication ”started to b e put into practice th en in variou s countries. Ju st tak e C h ina as an exam p le, T he L aw o f th e A p p lication of L aw fo r F oreign -related C iv il R elatio n s o f P eop les R ep ub lic of C hin a took effect as o f A p ril 1st 20



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