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大学英语作文教案 篇一:大学英语I Structure and Components of Business Reports 2) Techniques for Informal Business Reports III. Teaching Approaches and Facilities Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Task-based approach 4. Communicative approach 5. Questions and answers…… Facilities: blackboard, video clip; media classroom; on-line research; IV. Background Information ? In modern corporations, most managers make decisions and solve problems based on the information and analyses; they receive in reports, written factual accounts that objectively communicate information about some aspect of business. ? 在科技高度发达的现代社会中,报告仍然是一种人们广泛使用的交流方式。这是因为报 告能够传递大量信息,有助于读者做出最后决定,还可以为读者提供解决问题的方案。所以,报告撰写的成功与否从一定程度上影响到个人和组织的发展。 Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department Heilongjiang University 1 杨伶俐. 商务英语写作教程 . 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2008 p.192)V. Teaching Procedures and Contents Read the following business report carefully and finish the related tasks with your group members. 1. Find out the purpose and target audience of the report; 2. Find out some linguistic features of the report; Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department Heilongjiang University 2 1. Definition of Business Reports ? A business report is an orderly, objective message used to convey information from one organizational area to another or from one institution to another to assist decision-making or problem solving. ? 商务报告是某一企业内部或与其他企业之间传递信息,进行沟通的一种工具,是报告人 针对某种特殊的商务目的,向一个或多个人或主管部门提供的公正、客观、有计划的、较为详细的事实陈述。商务报告可以为决策的制定提供必要的信息、帮助当事人了解复杂的商业情况、计划进程、提供解决问题的方法、使上级领导针对一系列事件做出相应的决策。 2. Classification of Business Reports By Formality按正式程度划分: ? Formal Reports正式报告: Formal report is generally long and about complex problems. 正式报告篇幅较长,内容较多,包括若干部分,目的是清楚地表达复杂的内容。正式报告既可以是公文,也可以是只在公司内部传阅的资料,经常装订成册。正式报告常用于处理公司重大事件,主要有企业年度报告书、进展报告、考察报告、可行性研究报告、营销计划等。 ? Informal Reports非正式报告: An informal report is usually a short message written in natural or personal l


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