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新职业英语基础篇教案 篇一:新职业英语教案1 Unit 1 Organization Objectives: 1. Grasp the main idea 2. Cultural background –the study of Reading A ___Google and the study of Reading B ___TAF Profile Then T invites several Ss to give their opinions. T may sum up by this sentence – The essence of good essays is to write what one enjoys writing about. 2. T checks if Ss have done the rest of the after-text exercises in their spare time, and discuss some common errors that crop up. . Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. Nokia is focused on wireless and wired telecommunications. It is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile telephones. While-reading tasks: 1 Grasping the structure of the text Ss circle the key words, phrases and clauses in Text A and B For example: It all began in January 1996 as a research project at Stanford University by Ph.D. that web pages which had the most links to them from other web pages must be the most popular. In this way Ss will be able to divide the text into 3 parts and sum up the main ideas. or false To which city is the letter going? 2) Who wrote this letter? 3) Who is the recipient of the letter? 4) What is the recipient’s address? 5 )What’s the business title of the recipient? 6) What is the sender’s address? B: Read Sample 2 and complete the following sentences. 1)“c/o” on the envelope stands for 2)________________ will receive this letter. 3)___________________ will open and read this letter. C:Task 4 Write an envelope for your letter to Tom Jones, who works for Green Technologies as Sales Manager. The company is in New York, at No. 135 on West 20th Street. The zip code is 10011. 5. Mini-project Work in groups; ● Refer to Business Know-how for company introduction; ● Include name, logo, profile, management, products/services, etc.; ● Good time management and cooperation; ● In-class presentation. Steps: Grouping. Divide the class


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