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英语颜色的教案 篇一:关于教颜色单词的教案 Teaching Plan Background information: Topic:colors Students:48 Junior high school students,Grade 1 Lesson duration:45mins Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.say in English the names of colors; 2.read words skillfully and accurately; 3.improve their sense of cooperation; 4.learn to be a good listener and brave to say and spellvocabulary of colors in English. Teaching contents:vocabulary of colors Teaching aids:blackboard, chalk, ppt, cards, balloon, football, orange,水粉颜料,矿泉水瓶和矿泉水瓶盖子(盖内侧涂有红,蓝,黄,绿,白等颜色的水粉颜料)。 Teaching procedures: Step1 Review a)Warm up: Greetings Teacher:Hello! Boys and girls. Students: Hi,Miss Cai. T:How are you? Ss:Fine, thank you! T:What’s the weather like today? Ss:It’s a sunny day. students write down the colors they already know on paper; d) students volunteer to present their words; e) teacher summarizes and write the words on board.Step2 Learn the new words听音辨单词 Ppt上出示一段简短动画,请学生把听到的表示颜色的单词顺序排列,对排列既快又正确的给予表扬。 (动画可以加深学习兴趣,调动学生的视觉和听觉,让学生充分接受纯正的英语发音。) Step3 More practice S1:I want to buy a balloon. T: Which color do you like ? S1:pink. T: Is it water? S1: No,orange juice. T: What color is it? St: Orange. T: Are you thirsty? S1:Yes. T: please,drink water. 经过晃动矿泉水瓶,瓶盖内的水粉颜料溶解与水中,使瓶中的水变色。在学生兴趣正浓时,老师请同学找到相应的颜色卡片贴在矿泉水瓶上。 Step4 A game. learn some other useful words and expressions: look the same, both, color, their. 2. talk about the colors: ① —what color is it?—it is pink. ② —what color is his hair? —it is black. ③ —what color are his eyes?—they are brown. 【情境】 1. sing the song with motions: head and shoulders, legs and feet. 2. greetings between the students and me. 第二步:复习(幻灯片3、4) 1. review some new words with cards.(单词竞赛) 2. 幼儿园中班英语教案――颜色 Step2 Introduce T:What’s this? CAI演示:一阵雷雨过后,太阳露出了笑脸,天边出现了一道美丽的彩虹。 引出rainbow T:Wow


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