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功能食品 食品工程 xx 1 感谢你的观看 2019年5月21日 鼠尾草、草药等 番茄、大蒜、葱等 各种香辛料 黄豆、花生、南瓜种子等 中草药 果蔬 茶叶及香辛料 油料作物 植物性功能食品的分类 植物功能性研究进展 2 感谢你的观看 2019年5月21日 中草药 Herbs can contain expressive amounts of bioactive compounds which can decrease ageing and prolong life span of human and living organisms 中草药包含一定数量的生物活性物质,这样能够减少老化,延长人本身和生物体的寿命 Salvia sclareoides is an aromatic herb native to Portuga。A variety of Salvia species were reported to have promising radical scavenging activities。The present study establishes S. sclareoides as a viable source of functional food ingredients, due to its high antioxidant and radical scavenging activities。 鼠尾草是芳香草本植物,产于葡萄牙,报道了各种不同的鼠尾草品种具有清除自由基的功能。现在的研究表明,鼠尾草最为一种可行的功能食品原料资源,由于它具有抗氧化性,自由基清除能力。 ginkgo seed turned out to be a good source of FAAs with high levels of several essential FAAs and to have a good nutritional value. Hence, the characterization of theFAAs in ginkgo seeds would be very helpful for their potential value improvements as food and the better quality control 银杏种子是游离氨基酸很好的来源,并且必须氨基酸含量很高,具有很好的营养价值。因此,银杏种子中游离氨基酸的特征对于它们作为食物的潜在价值提升和更好地质量控制具有很大的帮助 题目 Non-toxicSalvia sclareoidesBrot. extracts as a source of functional food ingredients: Phenolic profile, antioxidant activity and prion binding properties 杂志 Food Chemistry 题目 Non-toxicSalvia sclareoidesBrot. extracts as a source of functional food ingredients: Phenolic profile, antioxidant activity and prion binding properties 杂志 Food Chemistry 题目 Hydrophilic interaction ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple-quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry for highly rapid and sensitive analysis of underivatized amino acids in functional foods 杂志 Amimo acid 3 感谢你的观看 2019年5月21日 果蔬 题目 Oligosaccharide Profile in Fruits and Vegetables as Sources of Prebiotics and Functional Foods 杂志 International Journal of Food Properties 题目 Biochemical Basis forFunctional Ingredient Designfrom Fruits 杂志 Annual reviews 题目 plant-based pa


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