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构建智能ICT基础设施安全主动防御体系 Build an intelligent proactive security protection system for ICT infrastructure 60% 23万亿$ 风险丛生 效率提升 Increased efficiency 到2025 年,智能联接会撬动23万亿美元的机会 By 2025, smart connections will create opportunities worth USD 23 trillion. 到2020年,60%的数字化公司将遭遇重大的服务故障 By 2020, 60% of digital companies will encounter major service faults. Considerable risks 电力 电网智能化 Smart grid 电表、工作站成为攻击入口 Electrical meters and workstations as attack entry points 提升投资效率 ROI improvement 入侵入口增加 Increased intrusion entry points 新技术融合 Convergence of new technologies 互联网业务引入新风险 New risks brought by Internet services 优化城市治安 Heightened city security 摄像头非法控制 Unauthorized camera control 关键ICT基础设施 面临前所未有的安全挑战 Critical ICT infrastructure is facing unprecedented security challenges. 5G 网络提速 Network acceleration 海量终端访问控制 Access control over numerous terminals Electric Power 电信 Telecom 交通 Transportation 平安城市 Safe City 16年10月,Mirai攻陷了超过200万台摄像头等IoT设备,导致美国大面积断网。物联网终端2020年将达200亿,如何避免成为黑客利用对象? In October 2016, Mirai infected over 2 million IoT devices, especially security cameras. As a result, the network failed to provide services in most areas of the US. By 2020, there will be 20 billion IoT terminals. How can we prevent hackers from exploiting these terminals? In October and November 2017, the e-government clouds of multiple provinces were infected with mining Trojan horses, and the e-government service was unavailable for several hours. This new type of attack aims to steal system resources and gain digital currency, substituting for data theft and extortion. 17年10月-11月,多省政务云被挖矿木马感染,导致电子政务业务中断长达数小时。这种新型攻击形态以窃取系统资源并赚取数字货币为目的,取代了以往的攻击手段。 交通 Transportation 制造 Manufacturing 政府 Government 金融 Finance 能源 Energy 平安城市 Safe city 云计算 5G IoT Cloud computing 5G IoT 电信 Telecom 如何保障ICT基础设施的安全 How to ensure ICT infrastructure security 问题一:安全是独立于ICT基础设施的存在吗? Question 1: Is security independent of ICT infrastructure? @制造 台积电勒索软件事件 TSMC ransomware incident 思考:这种问题安全体系若孤立存在,如何面对? Thinking: How can we deal wit


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