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福师《英语写作》在线作业一 1.[单选题]It was _______a hundred people looked lost in it. A.so large a room that B.so a large room that C.such large room that D.such large a room that 正确答案:——A—— 2.[单选题]My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk _______ far. A./ B.such C.that D.as 正确答案:——C—— 3.[单选题]Because there are only two competitors_______, it is almost inevitable that one will receive a majority. A.in the running B.for the running C.in the run D.for the run 正确答案:——A—— 4.[单选题]We are leaving this afternoon, but we have not _______ our suitcases yet. A.trapped B.insulted C.packed D.invited 正确答案:———— 5.[单选题]It isn't easy to be inspired in that spontaneous way for long periods_________. A.at a stretch B.for a stretch C.in a stretch D.on a stretch 正确答案:———— 6.[单选题]________number of errors was surprisingly small. A.The B.A C.One D.Little 正确答案:———— 7.[单选题]I'd rather you _______anything about the garden until the weather improves. A.shouldn't do B.didn't do C.mustn't do D.oughtn't to do 正确答案:———— 8.[单选题]According to one belief, if truth is to be known it will make itself apparent, so one ________ wait instead of searching for it. A.would rather B.had to C.cannot but D. had best 正确答案:———— 9.[单选题]"Do you really want to study philosophy?" the professor asked, slowly and________ emphasis _________each word. A.placed ... in B.placing ... on C.being placed ... at D.to place ... by 正确答案:———— 10.[单选题]Alan is a good football player and never breaks _______. A.legal B.regulations C.limitation D.agreement 正确答案:———— 11.[单选题]_________of them know about the plan because it is secret. A.Some B.No one C.Any D.None 正确答案:———— 12.[单选题]I was so ______in today‘s history lesson. I didn t underst


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