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PAGE PAGE 1 Abstract The Papers is used a case of Mongolian Cow “Sour Yogurt” as the paper’s opening , using The Anti-Unfair Competition Law as Perspective, dividing the papers into three parts to discuss the Unregistered trademark violations in the applicable law by using the methods of Empirical analysis, which make the Unregistered trademark violations will to be further improved in current laws. Full text is three parts, content abstracts mark as follows: In The Part I, it extended out the legal thoughts of Unregistered trademark violations by introducting a case of Mongolian Cow “Sour Yogurt”.in “Mongolian Cow Dairy Company suit Dong Jian Jun and Henan Anyang Snow White Dairy Industry Co., Ltd”, in the first instance Hu He Hao Te City Intermediate People's Court in accordance with the article 14 of the well-known trademark of <Trademark Law> indentified that unregistered trademarks “ Sour Yogurt”as the well-known trademarks that used by the Mongolian Cow Dairy company, and ultimately make judgement of stopping infringement immediately of Mongolian Cow Dairy Company trademark’s “Sour Yogurt” and any unfair competition. The defendant refused to accept the judgement of first instance, appeal to the Higher People's Court of Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia Higher People's Court made a ruling of first instance verdict. This is the first non-registration of a well-known trademarks in our courty through civil procedures. In this case, the court is consider unregistered “Sour Yogurt” as the well-known trademarks, which make the final judgement of the won for Mengniu Dairy company. The author thinks, from the perspective of justice, this verdict is clearly correct, but in the application of law is a question. If directly according the article 5, paragraph 2 of <Anti-Unfair Competition Law> finds defendant taking market confusion actions by” use well-known commodity’s specific names, packaging, decorating in Unauthorized, or use similar well-known comm


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