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I I 摘 要 人民法院在民事执行中往往会因各种原因,不能按生效法律文书执行到位, 为保护申请执行人的合法权益,减少诉讼成本,提高执行效率,通常会采取追加 被执行人的执行措施。虽然《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》对追加被执行人作了 原则性的规定,最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》若干问题 的意见和最高人民法院《关于人民法院执行工作若干问题的规定(试行)》亦有 相应的司法解释,但随着社会的变迁、市场经济体制的日渐完善、诚信的缺失, 我国现行法律中关于追加被执行人制度规定的滞后, 越来越不能满足现实生活中 执行工作的需要。例如被执行人追加的相关规定过于原则,可操作性不强, 追加 范围的局限,使得各地法院对执行裁判权和审判权如何区分、连续追加及追加被 执行人后其权利保护等问题的认识和做法存在差异,被执行人追加的具体程序混 乱,从而导致“执行乱”、“乱执行”现象的产生。形成弊端的原因有:被执行人追 加制度法律规定的不健全、立法现状与当前社会经济发展现状的不适应、被执行 人追加范围的局限性等。不少学者对现行的被执行人追加制度中启动程序、审查 程序、救济程序、被执行人追加具体情形的缺省提出了建设性的意见,但未引起 立法者的足够重视。为此,本文从司法实践的角度,通过对被执行人追加的理论 依据、现状的分析,就被执行人追加制度具体操作程序的完善、被执行人追加后 合法权益的保护及救济制度的健全、科学确定被执行人追加范围提出一些既维护 司法权威,又能充分保护追加后的被执行人合法权益的相应对策,希冀能完善、 健全民事执行中被执行人追加制度,解决“执行难”问题。 关键词:民事执行;被执行人;追加制度;对策 II II Abstract The peoples court always cant do enough in the execution work according to the valid law documents because of many reasons. In order to defend the legal right of the execution applicant, decrease the lawsuit cost and increase the Execution efficiency, the execution method of adding the person subject to enforcement is adopted. The civil procedure law of the Peoples Republic of China made basic principles and regulations about adding the person subject to enforcement, Supreme Peoples Courts opinion on the application for the civil procedure law of the Peoples Republic of China and the regulations about the peoples court executing many problems(for Trial Implementation) get the corresponding judiciary explanation. But with the social reformation and gradual perfection of the market economy, the regulations about adding the person subject to enforcement in the present law can no longer satisfy the need of the execution work in reality. For example, the relevant regulations about adding the person subject to enforcement is too principle, the weak operate ability and limited addition scope made all over the courts jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the implementation of how to distinguish, for additional and after Beizhihangren additional protection of their r



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