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II II THE MINIMUM GUARANTEE CLAUSE OF FUND MANAGEMENT CONTRACT ABSTRACT With the rise and development of the fund management business, the disputes it brings are increasing, among which the minimum guarantee clause has been one of the focal and difficult issues in theory and practice. This leads to the difference of cognition and application of the law in the trial practice, which can even make the outcome of the similar cases quite different, and have bad influence of the unification and seriousness of this kind of case. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part elaborates the basic concept and classification of the minimum guarantee clause in the fund management contract. The second part and the third part analyze the legality and rationality of the clause, and point out the problems and contradictions. The last part of this paper is to solve the problems and contradictions above by combining the present situation of our country and referring the experience of foreign countries, in order to do some deep research on the guarantee clause of fund management contract. III III KEY WORDS: fund management, minimum guarantee clause, legality, rationality, suggestions PAGE PAGE IV 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 前 言 1 第一章 委托理财合同中保底条款的基本理论 3 1.1 委托理财合同中保底条款的概念与内涵 3 1.2 委托理财合同中保底条款的分类与特征 3 1.2.1 保证本息固定回报条款 3 1.2.2 保证本息最低回报条款 4 1.2.3 保证本金不受损失条款 4 第二章 委托理财合同中保底条款的合法性分析 6 2.1 赋予保底条款合法性基础的规定 6 2.1.1 商业银行保证收益理财计划和保本浮动收益理财计划 6 2.1.2 保险公司的分红保险和万能保险 7 2.1.3 基金管理公司的公募基金 8 2.2 禁止订立保底条款的规定 9 2.2.1 信托投资公司的理财计划不得保底 9 2.2.2 证券公司的理财计划不得保底 9 2.2.3 投资连结保险不得保底 10 2.3 法律法规没有规定的情形 11 2.4 当前立法与司法中存在的问题 11 2.4.1 立法标准缺乏统一 11 2.4.2 法律适用存在争议 11 第三章 委托理财合同中保底条款的合理性分析 13 3.1 有关委托理财合同中保底条款的理论之争 13 3.1.1 绝对有效说 13 3.1.2 条款可撤销说 13 3.1.3 条款无效说 14 3.1.4 合同无效说 14 3.1.5 有限承认说 14 3.2 委托理财合同中的保底条款违背合同性质 15 3.2.1 保底条款与投资性质不符 15 3.2.2 保底条款与审判指导原则不符 16 3.3 委托理财合同中的保底条款当前仍具有存在的必要性 17 第四章 我国委托理财合同中保底条款的发展建议 19 4.1



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