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精品文档 知识共享 精品文档 知识共享 精品文档 知识共享 云南滇东4×600MW新建工程烟气脱硫项目设计 摘 要 本设计针对云南滇东电厂所给出的烟气含量、石灰石成分和除尘脱硫要求,结合我国烟气除尘脱硫的技术现状而设计出的一套烟气除尘脱硫系统。 本设计的主要内容为,对目前几种主要的除尘和烟气脱硫工艺做综述性介绍,然后通过比较各除尘方式以及各脱硫工艺的优缺点和使用情况,选择适合本设计工程概况的除尘方式和脱硫工艺。本设计选择电除尘和石灰石—石膏湿法脱硫工艺。 本设计主要是介绍该除尘脱硫系统中的各个子系统的工艺过程和设备布置,它们分别是除尘系统、烟气系统、吸收系统、吸收剂浆液制备系统、石膏脱水系统以及废水处理系统,并重点对电除尘器、吸收系统、吸收剂浆液制备系统和石膏脱水系统中的主要设备进行计算设计选型。最后对所设计除尘脱硫系统做出总结性分析,并作简单的工程概算和技术经济分析。 关键词:湿法石灰石-石膏法, 电除尘器, 烟气脱硫,主体设备计算 精品文档 知识共享 2×600MW new construction design of Flue Gas Desulphurization projiect In Easten Yunnan Abstract This design according to the given power of Easten Yunnan manufactory flue gas content 、limestone composition and dust removal and desulfurization requirements, combined with the flue gas desulfurization and dust removal technology situation of a set of flue gas desulfurization denitration system. The major work for this design:Introduces several flue gas desulfurization technologies, chooses proper FGD process for this project after comparing merits and drawbacks of several major dust removal and flue gas desulfurization technologies. Finally, we applied the wet limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization process. This design is to introduce the system of dust removal and desulfurization process of each subsystem and equipment layout. As for the FGD system, mainly introduces the process and facility arrangement of subsystems in FGD system, and they are respectively the system of limestone slurry preparation, gypsum treatment system, adsorption system, system of flue gas and wastewater treatment system. At the end of this design, it makes some comprehensive analysis of the whole system designed , and makes some engineering budgetary as well as some simple economic and technical analysis. Keywords: wet limestone - gypsum and scr.some method, flue gas desulfurization and denitration main equipment 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 VI 1.1 烟气除尘脱硫的背景 VI 1.2 烟气脱硫的目的及意义 VI 1.3 课题研究的主要内容 VII 第2章 工程概况 VIII 2



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