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2008年10月14日-16日 国际官方统计大会 上海 Serve Scientific Development, Reshape Chinese Official Statistics Major Moves in Recent Years Severe Challenges Thoughts of the Future Thank you! Serve Scientific Development and Reshape Chinese Official Statistics IAOS Conference Shanghai, 14-16 October 2008 Mr. Ma Jiantang, Commissionner, NBS of China 14 October 2008 Major Moves in Recent Years Improve Statistical Organizational Set-up Set up survey offices under direct leadership of NBS Set up the Department of Social, Science and Technology Statistics Set up the Department of Energy Statistics Set up inter-ministerial meeting mechanism for service statistics Major Moves in Recent Years Improve the System of National Accounts Adoption of United Nations SNA 1993 Annual and Quarterly GDP Estimates Major Moves in Recent Years Reform Statistical Survey Systems Census: Population, Agriculture, Economic Statistics on Different Sectors Sample Surveys Administrative Records Major Moves in Recent Years Statistical Infrastructure Construction Statistical Legislation Information Technology Severe Challenges Demands for Statistical Data Are On Dramatic Increase, More Diversified And Complicated Demands for Economic, Social and Environmental Data Regional Data Demands by the Public Demands by Overseas Investors Severe Challenges Economic and Social Development Puts Higher Requirements on Official Statistics Statistics to Keep Pace With the Development Service-oriented Government International Common Practice Severe Challenges Economic and Social Changes Make it More Difficult to Conduct Statistical Surveys Difficulty caused by the transition from planned economy to market economy Difficulty caused by social changes Difficulty caused by respondents’ concern of protection of privacy and business confidentiality Severe Challenges Current Official Statistical System Needs to Be Improved Address demands:development, structure, people’s livelihood Surveys: development, surveys, administrative record


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