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* * * PARTICIPANTS 中国矿大工业工程系研究生学术讨论会 Graduate Symposium of Industrial Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology 提升企业竞争力专题 2012年10月 Weekly Briefing Part 1 Presentation1 Part 2 CHAPTER Today, I will show you my hometown about its location, history and culture . YunCheng, a beautiful city with a long history,lies in the southwest part of Shandong Province. Location 地理位置 The map of YunCheng looks like an old man’s head with a gentle man hat. YunCheng is the place where the story of Outlaws of the Marsh took place . Outlaws of the Marsh is a novel based on the outlaw Song Jiang and his 107 companions. The group was active in the Huai River region and surrendered to the government in 1121. They were recorded in History of the Song Dynasty of the Twenty-Four Histories. The name of Song Jiang appeared in the chapter of Emperor Huizong of Song while the activities of the outlaw group were mentioned in the chapter for Zhang Shuye.I want to highlight is songjiang from yuncheng. And 71 other of heroes are all from yuncheng . History 历史 When comes to yuncheng ,you can not miss some of unimaginable delicious. What I highly recommend is zhuangmo ,in other words “strong steamed bread”. Food 美食Recommended restaurants ★ Pasta面食:三晋食府、小松面馆、开滦大酒店面点王 ★Dumplings饺子:凤凰园饺子宴、大拇指蒸饺王、馄饨侯 ★Pot特色涮:沙道观、田园鸡火锅城、一招鲜蘑菇园 ★ Muslim清真类:穆斯林餐厅、胖丫美味斋、会丰园清真老店? ★seafood海鲜类?:明星海鲜、鱼翅宴、港岛大酒店、金顶鹤 ★ Barbecue烧烤:萨拉伯尔、三千里烧烤、科长烧烤分店 ★ Donkey驴?:天下第一驴、驴香记、笑面狼、高马特? ★ Western food 西餐?:罗浮宫西餐咖啡、好伦哥比萨、上岛咖啡 ★ Honored唐山老字号:京东餐厅、九美斋、鸿宴饭店? ★ Cuisine其他地方名吃?:西湖人家、江南春、楼中楼? ★ famous Snacks特色小店?:砂锅居、小胡同包子、天园 ★ Pasta面食:三晋食府、小松面馆 ★Dumplings饺子:凤凰园饺子宴、大拇指蒸饺王、馄饨侯 ★Pot特色涮:沙道观、田园鸡火锅城、一招鲜蘑菇园 ★ Muslim清真类:穆斯林餐厅、胖丫美味斋、会丰园清真老店? ★ Barbecue烧烤:萨拉伯尔、三千里烧烤、科长烧烤分店 ★ Donkey驴?:天下第一驴、驴香记、笑面狼、高马特? ★ Western food 西餐?:罗浮宫西餐咖啡、好伦哥比萨、上岛咖啡 ★ Honored郓城老字号:京东餐厅、九美斋、鸿宴饭店? ★ Cuisine其他地方名吃?:西湖人家、江南春、楼中楼? ★ famous Snacks特色小店?:砂锅居、小胡同包子、天园 Folk Art 民俗艺术 * * * PARTICIPANTS 中国矿大工业工程系研究生学术讨论会 Graduate Symposium of Industrial Engineering, China Un


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