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辽宁科技学院本科生毕业设计(论文) 第 PAGE V页 辽 宁 科 技 学 院 (2014 届) 本科毕业设计 题目: 基于单片机控制的直流恒流源设计 专题: 专 业: 自动化 班 级: 自BG102 姓 名: 韩杰 学 号: 6019110205 指导教师: 孙禾 说明书 31 页,图纸 1 张,专题 0 页,译文 8 页 基于单片机控制的直流恒流源设计 摘要 随着数控电源在电子装置中的普遍使用,普通电源在工作时产生的误差,会影响整个系统的精确度。数字化智能电源是针对传统电源的不足设计的。它造价低,精确度高,体积小,使用方便。 本设计是以恒流源部分为核心,利用键盘来输入电流值,以STC89C52单片机为主控制器的直流恒流源。该系统具有实时反馈的功能,恒流源设计可自动调整恒流输出,实际输出值能够在LCD液晶显示屏上显示。此设计的主导思想是软硬件相结合,以硬件为基础,并且采用C语言来进行各功能模块程序的设计和编写。在利用系统结构框图描述系统硬件工作原理的基础上,介绍了本次设计所应用的各硬件接口技术和各个接口芯片的功能及工作过程,阐述了程序的流程和实现过程,并且利用各种元件实现了直流恒流源的功能。 本设计实现了电流可调,显示直观的要求。适用于需要稳定性较高的小功率恒流源的领域。 关键词:恒流源,单片机,LCD显示 The design of constant current source DC based on single chip microcomputer Abstract With the widespread use of CNC power in an electronic device, general power generated errors at work, will affect the accuracy of the entire system. Digital intelligent power supply is aiming at the deficiency of traditional power supply design. It has the advantages of low cost, high precision, small volume, easy to use. The design is based on the constant current source part as the core, with the keyboard to input current value, the DC to STC89C52 MCU as the main controller of constant current source. The system has the function of real-time feedback, constant current source design of automatically adjustable constant current output, actual output can be displayed on the LCD screen. The leading thought of this design is the combination of hardware and software, hardware based, and uses C language to design each function module of the program and writing. Described in the block diagram of system structure based on the working principle of the system hardware, this paper introduces the function and working process of the application of the design of the hardware interface technology and the interface chip, describes the process flow and implementation process, and the use of various elements of the DC constant current source function. Design and implementation of the current


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