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PAGE PAGE 1 电动汽车绝缘检测方法的设计 蒋英明1* 林勇2 王强3 王远1 郑晓露1 (1.国网电科院江苏瑞中数据股份有限公司,南京 210012 2;湖南森泰能源科技股份有限公司,长沙 410013.中南大学物理与电子学院,长沙 410083) 摘要:针对传统直流系统绝缘电阻检测精度不高、不具有实时检测功能的问题,提出一种有源式绝缘电阻的实时检测方法。该方法分为两个检测等级:故障检测、绝缘电阻计算,故障检测基于有源式思想,实时监测绝缘电阻的状态;在检测到绝缘电阻异常后进入绝缘电阻计算,该阶段基于外接电阻的方法精确的计算绝缘电阻值。实验结果表明,绝缘电阻实时检测的故障误报率在4.4%以内,实现了电动汽车绝缘电阻的实时、高精度检测。 关键字:绝缘电阻检测;电动汽车;电池组;绝缘电阻 中图分类号:TP29 文献标识码:TP Design of electric vehicle insulation detection method Jiang Yingmin1, Lin Yong2, Wang Qiang3, Wang Yuan1, Zheng Xiaolu1 (1 China Real-time Database Co., Ltd, State Grid Electric Power Institute, Nanjing 210012, China; 2 Hunan SenTai Energy Technology Co., Ltd, ChangSha 410013, China; 3 School of Physics and Electronics, Central South University, ChangSha 410083, China) Abstract: An insulation resistance detection method of real-time was presented in this paper, According to the conventional DC system insulation resistance detection problems, which is low accuracy and does not be detected in real time. The method was partitioned into two detection levels: fault detection and insulation resistance calculation. Such as, the fault detection: using active approach, meanwhile, to realize the real-time monitoring of insulation resistance; Insulation resistance fault is detected after entering the insulation resistance calculation, Accurate calculation of insulation resistance value by way of an external resistor. Experimental results show that the failure rate of false positives less than 4.4%, in real-time detection of the insulation resistance, to achieve real-time, high-accuracy detection of EV battery pack insulation resistance. Keywords: Insulation resistance testing; electrical vehicle; battery pack; insulation resistance 0引言 基金项目:国家电网科技项目(No. 62KJ130501B1003620120)电池组作为 基金项目:国家电网科技项目(No. 62KJ130501B1003620120) 目前,国内外对于电动汽车电池组的绝缘电阻检测方法有一定研究。文献[2-4]采用外接电阻切换方法,该方法是定期离线方式对直流系统进行检测,不具有实时检测特性。文献[5-8]采用直流漏电电流检测方法,其与外接电阻切换法相似,相比外接电阻切换方法,在两个与正负极绝缘电阻并联的电阻中间增加了一个电流传感器,测量该直流漏电电流值。文献[9-11]采用


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