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成都工业学院物流管理专业毕业论文 PAGE 39 成都工业学院物流管理专业毕业论文 PAGE II 家电零售连锁企业物流配送模式选择 摘要 经过近六十年的发展,特别是近二十年,我国家电行业经历了翻天覆地的变化。产品从单一走向多元,市场从供不应求到产能过剩,行业利润由暴利到薄利。与此同时,家电的销售渠道也在迅速变化。二十世纪八九十年代,家电销售渠道先后出现了百货商场、家电批发市场、专卖店等形式。进入新世纪,随着国美、苏宁等家电连锁零售企业的崛起,家电连锁已经成为家电销售的主要渠道,成为家电行业利润的主要享有者。物流配送是家电连锁经营的基础和保障,配送能力的强弱直接决定着连锁企业经营成本的高低,影响企业赢利的能力。因此,家电连锁经营要以扩大规模、强化规范、提高管理和完善系统为主要任务,在更深层次和更广范围内,实现突破性的发展。而企业在进行物流配送时,选择合理的配送模式是关键,对提高连锁企业配送的经济效益有着重要影响。 本文首先阐述了连锁企业和物流配送的相关理论,介绍了国内外家电连锁企业物流配现状,并进行了比较分析,在对我国家电连锁企业所采取的一般配送模式分析的基础之上,定性提出各种配送模式使用的范围;根据家电连锁企业的配送特点,然后对当前我国家电连锁零售企业常用的物流配送模式作了比较研究,分析了配送模式的影响因素,然后,对其物流配送模式的选择与决策进行了分析。 总之,对家电连锁零售企业物流配送模式的研究,选择合理的配送模式,对提高连锁企业配送的经济效益有着重要意义。 关键词:物流配送 连锁零售 配送模式 Home appliance interlinks retail enterprise logistics distribution mode choice ABSTRACT After nearly 60 years of the development, especially for nearly 20 years, China's household electrical appliance industry experience earth-shaking changes. Products from a single to multiplex, market demand from the excess capacity, industry profit windfall profits to the small profits. At the same time, home appliance sales channels and in the rapid change. In s, home appliance sales channel has appeared department stores, home appliance wholesale market, stores and other forms. In the new century, with the gome, su ning the home appliance such as the rise of chain retail enterprise, the electrical appliances chain has become the main channel to electrical appliances sale, become household electrical appliance industry profits of the main beneficiaries. Logistics distribution is electrical appliances chain management foundation and security, the strength of the delivery ability directly decides the discretion of the management cost of chain enterprises, influence the ability of enterprise profit. Therefore, the electrical appliances chain operation to expanding the scale, and strengthen the standard, improve the management and perfect the system as the main task, in deeper and wider range, realize the develop


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