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第 PAGE 168 页 共 NUMPAGES 168 页 Project Management Body of Knowledge 《项目管理知识体系》学习 二○○七年十月 A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge Third Edition (PMBOK? Guide) 项目管理知识体系指南(第3版,2004版) PMBOK 指南 第一部分 项目管理框架 Section = 1 \* ROMAN I The Project Management Framework 引论 -Chapter 1 Introduction 项目生命期与组织 -Chapter 2 Project Life Cycle and Organization 引论 - Introduction 项目管理知识体系是项目管理职业的知识总和。 The Project Management Body of Knowledge is the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management. 本指南的目的 基本目的:识别项目管理知识体系普遍公认良好做法的那一部分 The primary purpose of the PMBOK? Guide is to identify that subset of the Project Management Body of Knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice. 对任何一个指定的项目,项目管理团队负责决定体系中的哪些知识适用 The project management team is responsible for determining what is appropriate for any given project 本指南还旨在成为该职业和实践一个共同的术语汇编 The PMBOK? Guide also provides and promotes a common lexicon for discussing, writing, and applying project management. PMI用于作为项目管理职业培养计划的基本但非唯一的参考资料 The Project Management Institute uses this document as a foundational, but not the sole, project management reference for its professional development programs 什么是项目 项目的特征 -Project Characteristics 项目是为提供某独特产品、服务或成果所做的临时性努力。 A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. 1、临时性Temporary 项目有明确的开始和结束 Temporary means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end. 期限都是有限的 The duration of a project is finite. 项目不是持续不断的努力 Projects are not ongoing efforts 2、独特的产品、服务或成果Unique Products, Services, or Results 项目创造独特的可交付成果,如产品、服务或成果 A project creates unique deliverables, which are products, services, or results. 3、渐进明细Progressive Elaboration 是项目伴随临时性和独特性两个概念的特点之一 Progressive elaboration is a characteristic of projects that accompanies the concepts of temporary and unique 意味着分布开发、连续积累 Progressive elaboration means developing in steps, and continuing by increments 请勿将渐进明细与范围潜变混淆 Progressive


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