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Conversation M:Man W:Woman M:你好,下课有时间吗? M:Hello! Are you free after the class? W:什么事啊? W:Something wrong? M:我想约你一起吃个饭。 M: No, no, no, I just want to have a dinner with you. W:原来是这样啊,去哪儿吃啊? W:I see, then, where will we go to have the dinner? M:在临江门那边,新开的一家自助烤肉,我们可以去尝尝。 M:In Linjiangmen, a buffet barbecue opened recently, we can go these to taste it. W: 那么远,还是别去了,我们去我们亲爱的食堂吃吧,便宜还近。 W: It's too far, don’t go there, let’s turn to our dear canteen, cheap and near. M:食堂啊,食堂人太多了,还有一群小绿人跟我们抢饭吃。 M: Canteen, too much people, so crowded, and a group of “green people” rob our food. W:你说的小绿人是大一军训的吧! M:What you said “green people” refer to the freshmen who are training? M:是啊。 M:Of course. W:那好吧,这称呼倒挺有意思的,可是我还想减肥呢,太胖了。 W:OK, It’s pretty funny, but I want to shape myself, I am too fat. M:减肥,你这么瘦,还减什么肥啊。 M:Shape, you are so slim, how to shape? W:哪有啊,我们寝室的都可瘦了,就我胖,所以我以后不想吃肉了,除非等我再瘦下来。 W:Are you kidding me? One of my roommates is thinner than me, so I decide to stop to eat meat before I get thinner. M:不管怎么样,我都不觉得你胖,相反,我认为你很漂亮。 M:No matter what you are, I never think you are fat, on the contrary, I still think you are a beauty. W:谢谢你夸奖我,是去吃烤肉吗?贵不贵? W:Thank you for you praise me, are we going to have the barbecue?Is it expensive? M:这么说你是同意喽!太好了,我发现女人就喜欢被人夸,而且还非常善变。 M:So you agree with me, wonderful, I found that woman prefer to be praised, how a capricious girl! W:那是喽!谁不喜欢被别人夸啊,你们男生不也一样吗,对了,我们要去吃的烤肉贵不贵啊,好不好吃,要是不好吃的话我可不去。 W:Surely! Nobody dislike to be praised,including you boys, by the way, is the barbecue we are going to eat expensive? M:五月一号到五月四号搞活动,58元每位,但是买一张送一张等值代金券,意思就是我们吃完一次,下次还可以再来吃一回,但是我也不知道好不好吃,新开业的嘛! M:During May 1 to May 4, they have the promotion, 58 RMB per person, while you buy one they will send you a equivalent voucher, which means that if we go there this time, we can go there to have a second time free, but I don’t know whether it is tasty, after all, they have opened a few days. W:听起来很有诱惑力,那就去他家吧!我们待会怎么过去啊? W:It sounds very tempting, I decide to go there! How s


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