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气候相关性雾状角膜变性 角膜浅层半透明细小颗粒积聚 病理:基底膜附近大小不等的沉积物 HRT3:基底膜附近可见大量强信号颗粒状物质沉积 海德堡HRT3-CM 共焦激光角膜显微镜 唯一的以共焦激光作为光源的角膜显微镜,清晰显示角膜各层组织结构 800倍放大倍率,分辨率高达 1 μm 多种图像获取模式 Section——单一图像 Sequence——同一焦平面动态连续记录图像10幅/秒 Volume——沿Z轴方向动态连续纵深扫描,每幅图像间隔2μm,总体扫描厚度80μm 内皮细胞计数功能 完全无创的检查方式——无菌角膜接触帽避免了交叉感染 目前国内HRT3-CM主要用户 北京同仁医院 北京协和医院 北医三院北京大学眼科中心 北京医院 天津眼科医院 南京军区总医院 南京医科大学眼科医院 南通医学院附属医院 温州医学院眼视光学院 山东省眼科医院 青岛眼科医院 山东大学齐鲁医院 山西省眼科医院 ? 长治市人民医院 哈尔滨二四二医院 四川大学华西医院 第三军医大学第二附属医院 昆明眼科医院 厦门眼科中心 香港理工大学 Detection of glaucomatous damage and progression with the HRT HRT Workshop, Seoul, July 2002 * 共焦激光成像系统工作示意图:来自于共焦平面的反射光可被探测器接收;来自于非共焦平面的散射光可有效被栅栏样结构阻挡,不能被探测器接收,从而保证了图像的高分辨率。 In a laser scanning system, a laser is used as a light source. The laser beam is focused to one point of the examined object. The light reflected from that point goes the same way back through the optics, and is separated from the incident laser beam and deflected to a detector. This allows the the instrument to measure the reflected light only at one individual point of the object. In order to produce a two dimensional image, the illuminating laser beam is deflected periodically in two dimensions perpendicular to the optical axis using scanning mirrors. Therefore, the object is scanned point by point sequentially in two dimensions. A confocal laser scanning system has a high optical resolution not only perpendicular, but also parallel to the optical axis, that means into depth. A two dimensional image acquired at the focal plane therefore carries only information of the object layer located at or near the focal plane. It can be considered as an optical section of the three-dimensional object at the focal plane. 正常的角膜组织:明确分辨出角膜上皮层的三种细胞(表层鳞状上皮、翼状上皮、基底层柱状上皮),基底膜附近的角膜神经纤维丛和树突状细胞清晰可见,基质层的基质细胞和胶原纤维网状结构密度由浅到深逐渐变化,内皮细胞边界清楚并可进行精确的计数分析。 * Detection of glaucomatous damage and progression with the HRT HRT Workshop, Seoul, July 2002 * Detection of glaucomatous damage and progression with the HRT HRT Workshop, Seoul, July 2002 * 海德堡HRT3-CM 共焦激


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