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·全息技术 ·计算机与光学方法相结合的彩色彩虹全息术3杨上供1 3 3, 杜旭日 ·全息技术 · 计算机与光学方法相结合的彩色彩虹全息术3 杨上供1 3 3 , 杜旭日1 , 陈海云2 , 吴 琼2 (1. 厦门理工学院数理系 ,福建 厦门 ,361024 ; 2. 浙江师范大学信息光学研究所 ,浙江 金华 321004) 摘要 :提出了计算机制全息与光学全息相结合制作彩色全息图的彩色彩虹全息术。通过计算机对彩色图像进 行自动分色 ,制作红、绿、蓝 3 幅主计算全息图 H1 ,以 H1 的再现像为对象 ,用激光制作彩色彩虹全息图 H2 ,用 白光再现获得彩色再现像。该方法把计算机制全息与传统的光学全息相结合 ,发挥了计算全息与光学全息的 优势。在全息图的计算中采用了快速傅里叶变换 ,加快了计算速度。给出了理论分析和实验结果。 关键词 :计算全息 ; 彩色; 彩虹全息 ; 再现像 中图分类号 : TB877 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :100520086 (2009) 0120074204 Color rainbow holography combining computer2generated hologram and optical holo2 gram YAN G Shang2gong1 3 3 , DU Xu2ri1 , CH EN Hai2yun2 , WU Qiong2 (1. Xiamen University of Technology ,Xiamen 361024 ,China ; 2. Information Optics Instit ute ,Zhejiang Normal Uni2 versity ,Jinhua 321004 ,China) Abstract :A color holography t hat combines computer2generated hologram( CGH) and optical hologram is proposed. Firstly ,t he colorf ul image is separated into monochromatic images of red ,green and blue auto2 matically by computer . Then ,t hree master holograms ( H1) corresponding to red ,green and blue informa2 tion are calculated using computer generated hologram. and t he respective diff raction distances bet ween t he t hree monochromatic images and t he t hree computer2generated master holograms are designed accu2 rately by computer . Finally ,by combining computer2generated holography wit h optical holography ,a col2 or rainbow hologram( H2) is recorded. By re2illuminating H2 wit h extended white light ,a colorf ul recon2 st ructed image is acquired. This met hod utilizes t he respective advantage of CGH and optical hologram , and fast2Fourier2t ransform is int roduced to speed up t he calculation of CGH ,spatial f requency and sam2 pling period of hologram are discussed in ordr to lower t he computational complexity. The final colorf ul reconst ructed image resulted f rom t his technology is vivid. Key words :computer2generated hologram ; color ; rainbow hologram ; reconst ructed imag 部记录[ 3~5 ] ,在技术上显得非常复杂 ,且再现结果容易


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