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Feminist As the developing of society,more and more people appeal to the society for the droit of women.In the society ,lots of women have received education equally,however,there seems that they face glass celing is wonted when they apply for a job.It is usually that our society would like to accept a boy rather than a girl ,even though the girl is excellent than her competitor.It is said that female and male works in the position and does the same work in a company ,however their laborage will be discrepancy. All men are created equall.It makes no doubt that woman should be treated the same as man. Whatever the government and the individual is supposed to eliminate the galss celing in the female’s way.We should keep one word in mind that”women are the mother of all the living”.We should treat woman equall,and give them their deference. 交设0904班 李熙 0405090213 China revealed :the eyesight of children have a substantial decline Reuters,Beijing,October 22- According to the latest test,every ten students in Beijing,only one has good vision.Compared with 2005,it had come down one-third.This issue was considered that students study excessive in the school system ,which has too much competition was to blame. Xinhua News Agency said that the average score of the middle score of the middle school students in an area is just higher than the myopic. This week,Xinhua News Agency said that university students always have poor vision.In order to recruit more university graduate,the Chinese army has recently reduced the requirements of vision. A report of China Youth Daily did not indicate neither the cause of poor eyesight,nor whether the resuits of this test reflect the situation of the whole country.However,some researches link decreased vision to over-learning. 交设0904班 李熙 0405090213


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