人教版英语必修一Unit 3(A night in the mountain)课件.pptx

人教版英语必修一Unit 3(A night in the mountain)课件.pptx

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Unit 3 Travel JournalUsing Language——By WeiJourney down the MekongPart 2: A night in the MountainsLead--inSkimming and scanningRead the text quickly and answer the following questions.When did they take the bike trip?Where were they?What was the weather like?Was it easy or difficult to climb the mountains?In autumn.In Tibet.It was snowing.It’s difficult/hard.Careful readingRead the text carefully and answer the following questions.Why did they look like snowmen?2. How was the lakes they saw?3.What did they see in the valleys?Because they wore thick clothes.The lakes shone like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful.Colourful butterflies, yaks and sheep.4. Why did they change their clothes for T-shirts and shorts?5. What did they do in the evening?6. How was the midnight?7. Could you find some adjectives to describe their trip?Because it gradually became much warmer.They put up their tent and had supper.At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. It was so quiet.Wonderful, fun, surprising.Showing picturesShow some pictures according to the description of the view. The lakes In TibetSnow;Mountains;Children;…Shone like glass;In the setting sun;Wonderful;… At midnight In the valleysThe sky—clearer;The stars—brighter;Quiet;No wind;Flames;…Colourful butterflies;Yaks;Sheep;Green grass;…Further thinkingTips of traveling in Tibet.1. Prepare well.2. Respect local culture and customs.3. Obey local laws.…Beautiful words and expressionsfeel like感觉像......;dressed in穿着;wonderful美好的;as usual照常;reliable可信赖的;view风景;put up搭起;can hardly wait to迫不及待......1. Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice. 我们的腿又沉又冷,感觉就像冰块一样。2. At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. 在某个时刻,我们发现自己置身高处,骑车穿越云层。3.It was great fun especially as it gradually became much warmer. 这非常有趣,特别是天气逐渐变得暖和多了。4. There was almost no wind--only the flames of our fire for company. 夜晚几乎没有风——只有篝火的火焰与我们做伴。Summary纯音乐%20-%20轻柔舒缓音乐.mp3How to write a



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