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B.33 B.33 金华铁店窑乳浊釉瓷器制作烧瓷技术初探 Preliminary Study on the Manufacturing of Jinhua Tiedian Wares with Opaque Glaze 赵一新 (盘华市文体局,浙江金华.321017.中国) 叶赏致 (仓华帕枣材装饰工程有限公司,浙江仓华,321017,中国) ZhaoYixin (Jmhua Civilization and Sports Bu陀au,Jinhua。zh自iang.321017,China) Ye Shangzhi (JinhuaArehitectaral andDecorativeEngineeringCo,Ltd..Jinhua,Zhejiang.321017,Chiaa) Abstract TiediankiIn siteisoneofthe ancientkilnswheretheporcelainwareswithoDaqueglazelike Janwatts wele manufactured in the south of the Changiiang River in the periods ofthe Song and Yuan Dynasties. The fired porcelain wares with opaque glaze a∞consistent with those salvaged from the Yuan Dynasty shipwreck in Xinan in The Republic of Korea.A special study of the Tiedian wares with opaque glaze hasnotbeenmade.ItishelpfulforrestorationofthefeatureaboutTiediankiInto stlldyitsmanufacturing technology.Research on the whole technological process from porcelain body formation,glazing to ruing in a kiln has been made through analyzing the vestiges left when the porcelain wares were fired in ancient kiIn site and the various kinds ofused kiIn fumitures.nms the similarities and differences in technology.material and firing between the Tiedian kiln and the ancient kilns in t11e north of the Changjiang River at that time can be known.The background about the cultural exchange between the south and the north and the occuiTence of the Tiedian porcelain wares with opaque glaze was revealed in the present Palper. 金华铁店古窑遗址是1981年的文物普查中发现的。在1983年对铁店窑址群进行复查时 发现在这古窑遗址中有乳浊釉的产品。而且其中的“乳浊釉花盆、三足鼓钉洗、执壶与韩 国新安元代沉船出土的花盆、三足水盘(即三足鼓钉洗)、三耳注子(即执壶)相对 照 .造型基本相同 .其他窑口均未发现,所以南朝鲜新安元代沉船中‘钧窑系’瓷 器,属铁店窑产品无疑”。冯先铭先生在《中国陶瓷》一书中指出:铁店是长江以南钧窑系 的一个重要窑口,因此对铁店古窑遗址中的乳浊釉瓷器的烧造技术进行探讨是很有必要的。 一、 一、铁店窑乳浊乳釉产品坯胎的制作方式 铁店窑乳浊釉产品主要有碗、盆、炉、洗、罐、俑等等。这些各不相同的乳浊釉器 物,在拉坯、修坯的工艺上各不相同,在瓷胎上也备有特色。 碗在铁店古遗址中是数量最多的,根据其圈足的特点可以分为四种款式。碗韵制作都 是拉坯成形的,I式碗其坯的口部厚度约3 mill,接近圈足外墙壁处厚约6 mm,而其底部厚4 mm, 圈足外墙壁高7 mm,圈足内墙壁高5 mm。其圈足的修坯方式为拉坯成形之后,略为晾干,先 是在嘲足的外墙壁刮削一刀,做出圈足的样子,然后在圈足的外墙壁棱角处以约45 4的倾斜刮 削一刀,再刮挖去圈足中间的泥使圈足最后成形,圈足的墙宽约7 mm


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