我国人民银行:2016 年我国宏观经济预测.pdf

我国人民银行:2016 年我国宏观经济预测.pdf

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中国人民银行工作论文 No.2015/15 PBC Working Paper No.2015/15 2015 年12 月16 日 December 16,2015 2016 年中国宏观经济预测 马骏 刘斌 贾彦东 李建强 陈辉 熊鹭1 摘要:本报告对2016 年我国经济增长、物价以及国际收支等主要宏观经济指标 进行了预测。我们预计,产能过剩、制造业利润下降、不良贷款率上升等因素仍 将对明年的经济构成下行压力,但随着国内房地产市场的复苏,各项稳增长和结 构性政策效果的逐步显现,以及外部需求状况的好转,未来几个季度中支持我国 经济增长的积极因素将有所增加,经济结构将得到进一步改善。我们对2016 年 全年实际GDP 增速的基准预测为6.8%,比对今年的预测值低0.1 个百分点。我 们对明年全年CPI 涨幅的基准预测为1.7%,高于对今年的预测值0.2 个百分点。 此外,我们估计2016 年经常项目顺差与GDP 比例为2.8%,略低于对今年的预测 值3.0%。 Abstract: This report presents our forecasts of China’s major macroeconomic indicators for 2016. Although downward pressures on growth will persist for a while due to overcapacity, profit deceleration, and rising NPLs, we expect that the number of positive factors will gradually increase in 2016. These supportive factors include the recovery of real estate sales, the lagged impact of macro and structural policies, as well as some modest improvement in external demand. Our baseline forecast for real GDP growth in 2016 is 6.8%, slightly lower than our expectation of 6.9% for this year. For next year our baseline CPI inflation forecast is 1.7%. We expect the current account surplus to be 2.8% of GDP in 2016. 关键词: 宏观经济预测;GDP;CPI;经常项目顺差 声明:中国人民银行工作论文发表人民银行系统工作人员的研究成果,以利于开展学术交 流与研讨。论文内容仅代表作者个人学术观点,不代表人民银行。如需引用,请注明来源 为《中国人民银行工作论文》。 Disclaimer: The Working Paper Series of the People's Bank of China (PBC) publishes research reports written by staff members of the PBC, in order to facilitate scholarly exchanges. The views of these reports are those of the authors and do not represent the PBC. For any quotations from these reports, please state that the source is PBC working paper series. 1马骏为中国人民银行研究局首席经济学家,刘斌、贾彦东、李建强、陈辉、熊鹭为人民银行研究局研究人 员。王立升提供了重要的研究支持。联系人贾彦东的电邮为jyandong@pbc.gov.cn 。本文内容为作者个人观


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