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JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES 约翰?梅纳德?凯恩斯 THE GENERAL THEORY OF EMPLOYMENT INTEREST AND MONEY 就业、利息和货币通论 PREFACE 序 THIS book is chiefly addressed to my fellow economists. I hope that it will be intelligible to others. But its main purpose is to deal with difficult questions of theory, and only in the second place with the applications of this theory to practice, For if orthodox economics is at fault, the error is to be found not in the superstructure, which has been erected with great care for logical consistency, but in a lack of clearness and of generality in the premisses. Thus I cannot achieve my, object of persuading economists to re-examine critically certain of their basic assumptions except by a highly abstract argument and also by much controversy. I wish there could have been less of the latter. But I have thought it important, not only to explain my own point of view, but also to show in what respects it departs from the prevailing theory. Those, who are strongly wedded to what I shall call ("the classical theory.", will fluctuate, I expect, between a belief that I am quite wrong and a belief that I am saying nothing new, It is for others to determine if either of these or the third alternative is right. My controversial passages are aimed at providing some material for an answer; and I must ask forgiveness if, in the pursuit of sharp distinctions, my controversy is itself too keen. I myself held with conviction for many years the theories which I now attack, and I am not, I think, ignorant of their strong points. 本书主要是为我的同行经济学家所写,我希望其他人也能看懂。但是,本书的主要目的是探讨理论上的难题,至于该理论在实际中的应用则居于次要地位。因为,如果正统经济学有错误之处,那么其错误之处不在于建立在精心构筑的逻辑一致性基础之上的上层建筑,而在于其假设前提缺乏明确性和普适性。因此,除非通过高度抽象的论证和进行大量辩论,我无法达到我的目的,即规劝经济学家批判性地重新审视他们的某些基本假设。我本希望这种论证和辩论能少些,但我认为重要之处在于:不仅要阐释我自己的观点,还要指出我的观点在哪些方面有别于现在流行的理论。我预料,那些深深沉迷于我称之为“古典理论”的人将彷徨于两种意见,一种意见认为我完全错了,另一种意见认为我并未提出任何新见解。这两种意见,或许还有第三种意见,究竟孰是孰非还要由他人予以判断。我所写的辩论段落旨在为作出判断提供一些素材。另外,如果我在辩论中的文字过于尖锐,我请求谅解,那不过是为了让分歧更为明确。对于我现在抨击的理论,我本人曾多年奉为圭臬,因而,我想我不至于忽视该理论的有力之处。 The matt


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