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5 6 Vo l5 No6 2008 12 JOURNA L OF RA ILW AY SC IENC E A ND ENG IN EER ING Dec. 2008 * 1 1, 2 1 , , ( 1. 中南大学 土木建筑学院, 湖南长沙 410075; 2. 中国轻工业南宁设计工程有限公司, 广西 南宁 530031) : 研究了激发 复掺对掺 50% 粉煤灰的水泥硬化浆体性能的影响试验结果表明: 复合激发不仅可以提高掺 50% 粉煤灰的水泥硬化浆体的早期强度, 而且提高了后期的强度; 复合激发 中各组分发挥了各自的激发作用, 其激发效果比 各自的单掺激发效果优 : 粉煤灰; 复合激发 ; XRD; SEM : TU528 : A : 1672- 7029( 2008) 06- 0006- 04 Stud on compound activators activated fl ash 1 1, 2 1 LIU Baoju , LIANG Hu i , YANG Yuanx ia ( 1. School of C iv il and Arch itectural Eng ineering, Central South Un iversit , Changsha 410075, Ch ina; 2. Ch ina L ight Indu str Nann ing Design Engin eering C o. Ltd. , Nann ing 530031, Ch ina) Abs tract: The influence of compound activator on the properties of harden paste w ith 50% fl ash w as studied. The experiential resu lts indicate that compound activator can increase the earl strength of harden paste con tai n ing 50% fl ash, and that it can increase the later strength. Each component in compound activator can pla its effect on activation, and the effect of compound activator is better than that of corresponding activator. K ey w ord s: fl ash; compound activation; XRD; SEM , , 28 d 48. 7 M Pa; , I, 45 m 2 S i O A l O


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