2006_ECCV_Sampling Strategies for Bag-of-Features Image Classification英文文献资料.pdf

2006_ECCV_Sampling Strategies for Bag-of-Features Image Classification英文文献资料.pdf

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Sampling Strategies for Bag-of-Features Image Classification 1,2 1 1 Eric Nowak , Fr´ed´eric Jurie , and Bill Triggs 1 GRAVIR-CNRS-INRIA, 655 avenue de l’Europe, Montbonnot 38330, France {Eric.Nowak, Bill.Triggs, Frederic.Jurie}@inrialpes.fr http://lear.inrialpes.fr 2 Bertin Technologie, Aix en Provence, France Abstract. Bag-of-features representations have recently become popu- lar for content based image classification owing to their simplicity and good performance. They evolved from texton methods in texture analy- sis. The basic idea is to treat images as loose collections of independent patches, sampling a representative set of patches from the image, evalu- ating a visual descriptor vector for each patch independently, and using the resulting distribution of samples in descriptor space as a characteri- zation of the image. The four main implementation choices are thus how to sample patches, how to describe them, how to characterize the re- sulting distributions and how to classify images based on the result. We concentrate on the first issue, showing experimentally that for a repre- sentative selection of commonly used test databases and for moderate to large numbers of samples, random sampling gives equal or better clas- sifiers than the sophisticated multiscale interest operators that are in common use. Although interest operators work well for small numbers of samples, the single most important factor governing performance is



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