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组织学与胚胎学 实验报告 指定主题: 实验一 、上皮组织 基本组织1 报告主题:假复层纤毛柱状上皮 主题属性:指定 标本号:27# 染色:HE染色 教学要求:掌握假复层纤毛柱状上皮的光镜结构特征 纤毛Cilium结缔组织ConnectiveT 纤毛 Cilium 结缔组织 Connective Tissue 杯状细胞 Goblet cell 光镜下可见假复层纤毛柱状上皮的各种上皮细胞界限不清,细胞核染蓝紫色,高矮不一,其中柱状细胞最多,游离面有大量纤毛,柱状细胞之前常夹有杯状细胞,其底部狭窄,顶部膨大,细胞核深染。所有细胞的基底膜均附着在基膜上,即使细胞核高低不齐排列,形似复层,实为单层。 Then visible pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of epithelial cell line is not clear, the nucleus dyed purple blue, height is differ, the columnar cells most, free surface has a lot of ciliated columnar cells, before often clip has goblet cell, its bottom is narrow, the top swollen, with hyperchromatic nuclei. All the cells of the basement membrane are attached on the basement membrane, whose nucleus are irregular, and the shape see as compound layer, and it is a single. 实验二 结缔组织 基本组织2 报告主题:骨单位 主题属性:指定 标本号:6# 材料:骨切片 染色:Schmorl氏法块染 教学要求:掌握骨组织的结构 间骨板Interstitial lamella骨板Osteon lamella 间骨板 Interstitial lamella 骨板 Osteon lamella 中央管 Central canal 图2骨单位(骨切片,Schmorl氏法块染,40×100) Figure 2 osteon (osseous smear,Schmorl stained,40×100) 骨单位位于内外环骨板之间,数量最多,中央为圆心的中央管,中央管与穿通管相通,数层同心圆排列的骨板围绕中央管。在骨单位之间,有一些不规则排列的间骨板,其中无血管通道,在骨板之间或骨板中可见黄色小腔,即骨陷窝。 Osteon is located in the inside and outside ring bone plate between, the largest number, the central to the right of the central tube, the central tube and pierced tube are interlinked, layers of concentric arrangement of the bone plate around the central canal. There are some interstitial lamellae between osteon, which has no vascular channels, in the bone plate or between bone plate visible yellow small cavities, named lacuna. 实验三、肌组织与神经组织实验二 基本组织3 报告主题:心肌 主题属性:指定 标本号:12# 材料:人心肌切片 染色:HE染色 教学要求:观察人心肌的结构特点,掌握其判断依据 闰盘Intercalated 闰盘 Intercalated disk 图3 心肌(人心肌切片,HE染色,40×100) Figure 3 Cardiac muscle(human cardiac muscle smear,HE stained 40×100) 多数心肌纤维有一个细胞核,少数有双核,核呈卵圆形,位于细胞中央。心肌纤维的连接处称闰盘,且染色深。心肌纤维呈明暗相间的周期性横纹,但由于其肌原纤维粗细不等,界限不明,因此横纹不如平滑肌那么清楚。 Most of the myocardial fibers have a nucleus, a few have dual-core, and nucleus is


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