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水土保持學報44(1) : 17 – 26 (2012) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation , 44 (1) : 17 - 26 (2012) 莊雯茹、黃于玻、蘇維翎、林信輝: 生態檢核表於石門水庫集水區保育治理工程之應用探討 PAGE 18 PAGE 25 PAGE 17 生態檢核表於石門水庫集水區保育治理工程之應用探討 莊雯茹(1)國立中興大學水土保持學系研究生 黃于玻(2)觀察家生態顧問有限公司總經理 蘇維翎(3)觀察家生態顧問有限公司生態工程部經理 林信輝( (1)國立中興大學水土保持學系研究生 (2)觀察家生態顧問有限公司總經理 (3)觀察家生態顧問有限公司生態工程部經理 摘 要 石門水庫集水區因民國九十四年艾利颱風造成重大損害,為使水庫正常營運及環境穩定,自風災過後即積極辦理上游集水區保育治理工程,並以崩塌地治理、河床穩固及確保水庫供水功能為主要目標。水庫上游集水區常為天然環境良好且生態豐富而多樣之地區,然而過去整治工程在執行過程中,卻未將生態環境納入治理工程考量,除無法兼顧生態環境需求外,亦造成治理成效降低,甚至引起關切民眾對治理單位的誤解與對立,衍生不必要的衝突。 為提昇生態保育理念並落實相關工作,民國九十六年之「石門水庫及其集水區整治計畫-集水區保育治理」開始建立生態檢核表機制,使整治計畫於規劃設計、施工中及使用階段均能注意並考量工程周邊環境生態,採取迴避、縮小、減輕及補償等方式,使工程對環境影響降至最小,同時達生態環境保護目標。 (關鍵詞:生態檢核表、石門水庫、集水區保育治理工程) Application of Eco-Checklist on the Conservation and Management Projects in Shihmen Reservoir Watershed Wen-Ru Chuang(1) Yu-Bo Hwang(2) Wei-Ling Su(3) Shin-Hwei Lin(4) Graduate Student(1), General Manager(2), Manager(3), Professor(4) Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan ABSTRACT After Typhoon Aere extremely damaged throughout Shihmen reservoir watershed in 2005, the government soon held some conservation engineering projects in upstream watershed. These treatments aimed to control landslides, and to keep the upstream riverbed stable and the reservoir operating normally. The upstream reservoir watershed is generally abundant in a nature and various ecological resources. In past years, however, it is unfortunate that treatments seldom involved it as consideration. It resulted in lacks of consideration for ecological demand aspect in environment, and meanwhile decreased the purpose of conservation. That even more caused the public misunderstanding the government to make both opposite with each other and inform a conflict. In order to promote the concept of ecological conservation in watershed and to implement related works, the project named “Shihmen Reservoir and watershed conservation and management project” in 2007 started to establish the



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