【教学设计】Unit 8 Lesson 24(北师大).docx

【教学设计】Unit 8 Lesson 24(北师大).docx

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北京师范大学出版社 九年级(全册) 畅言教育 用心用情 服务教育 Unit 8 Discoveries Lesson 24 An Experiment Report v教材分析 教材分析 本课为第8单元第三课,是一节阅读课。本课是一篇实验报告,主要内容为种植马铃薯的步骤和经过。文本包括:实验准备,实验过程观察记录,实验的收获和感想三部分内容。本课还着重培养学生记笔记的学习策略。本课只有九个单词,没有明显的语法,但是通过阅读使学生了解成功种植植物需要的元素,认识到成功做事需要耐心和努力。本课为下一课的写作输出打下了语言和精神基础。 教学目标 教学目标 【知识目标】 通过阅读文本获取实验报告的基本结构。即:实验准备,实验过程观察记录,实验的收获和感想。 【能力目标】 通过进一步阅读文本,获取实验细节信息和实验收获并完成表格填写。在阅读任务中训练记笔记的策略。 【情感目标】 通过阅读使学生了解成功种植植物需要的元素,认识到成功做事需要耐心和努力。 教学重难点 教学重难点 【教学重点】 通过反复阅读充分理解文本,理解实验报告的结构和细节。 【教学难点】 课前准备通过阅读获取整体和细节信息。 课前准备 1. 课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2. 教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程 教学过程 Step1. Warm-up 1. Do a free talk about the experiment items. 2. Teach microscope, sprouts, and pots and their usages. 3. Make a discussion about experiment. Have you done any experiments before? What were they? Did you write an experiment report? Step2. Reading 1. Skim and answer the questions about the details in the report. 2. Read the reading Help. Read the experiment report and fill in the table. 3. Skim the report quickly to understand the purpose of the experiment. 4. Look at the tables and pictures to get key information. 5. Write down key words like numbers, dates and actions. 6. Read the second part and fill in the form. 7. Read the last part and answer the questions about planting potatoes. 8. Let students speak out the evaluation on the experiment. Step3. Language points 1. water v.给…浇水; 供以水 He went out to water the plants. 2. sprout n. 幼芽,新梢 vi.发芽; 抽芽 The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire. 3. soil n. 泥土; 土地,国土 We have the most fertile soil in Europe. under the soil 土壤里 4. fail to do sth. 做什么事失败 He failed in his attempt to take control of the company. succeed in/with sth. 做某方面成功 Step4. Consolidation 1. Get students to figure out the main theme of the experiment report. 2. Summarize the results each day in the experiment. 3. Read the experiment report and answer the questions. 4. Fill in the blanks in the experiment report. 5. Think about an experim


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