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PAGE PAGE 1 摘 要 随着社会的发展和科学技术的进步,输送机的自动化水平不断提高,故障发生率得到极大改善,但是其管理方式还是不够智能化,可以实时对输送机的工作状态和故障信息进行检测的监控系统的需求非常大。因此,本文在对国内外发展现状进行深入研究和对当前输送机常见故障问题进行分析的基础上,设计了一种带式输送机运行状态监控系统。 本论首先对带式输送机的结构和工作原理进行分析,引出带式输送机在输送物料过程中常见的故障,通过对各类故发生原因进行分析,选择合适的技术方案,完成传感器选型,PLC的I/O口分布以及系统接线图的设计。本文选用力控(ForceControlv)组态软件对传送机的运行状态进行监控,对该组态软件进行了详细介绍,并对监控软件的设计过程,设计方法进行说明,最终完成整个监控系统的软件设计。该监控软件能够具有主监控界面,能够对故障进行报警,并能显示实时曲线和历史数据,具有很强大的功能。 关键词:输送机;监控系统;PLC;力控组态软件;故障报警 ABSTRACT With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the automation level of the continuous improvement of the conveyor, the failure rate has been greatly improved, but the way of management is not enough intelligent monitoring system, can detect in real time on the conveyor working state and fault information demand is very large. Therefore, in this paper, the development of the status quo at home and abroad to carry out in-depth research and analysis of the common problems of the current conveyor based on the design of a belt conveyor running state monitoring system. This thesis firstly analyzed the structure and working principle of the belt conveyor, belt conveyor common fault leads in the delivery of materials in the process, through the analysis of the causes of various types, choose appropriate technical solutions, complete the sensor selection, PLC I/O port and distribution system wiring diagram design. The force control (ForceControlv) monitor configuration software on the machine running state, the configuration software is introduced in detail, and the design process of the monitor software design methods are described, finally completed the software design of the monitoring system. The monitoring software can have the main monitoring interface, can alarm the fault, and can display real-time curve and historical data, has a very powerful function. Key words: belt conveyor; monitoring system; PLC; force control configuration software; fault alarm 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 24418 1 绪论 1 261


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