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PAGE PAGE 1 2017届毕业论文 实际论文名称 院 、 部: 机械工程学院 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称 专 业: 班 级: 完成时间: 2017年6月 摘 要 刮板输送机是一种可以连续输送物体的设备,被广泛的应用在煤炭开采和运送等许多重工行业。刮板输送机具有一个绕行的牵引机构,牵引机构主要由刮板链构成,中部的槽是主要的承载部分。在许多作业场合,刮板输送机不但扮演者运送物料的作用,还能为采煤机提供运行轨道,所以,刮板输送机当今采煤作业过程中一种非常重要的工具。 本文主要是对刮板输送机的总体部分、传动部分、主要零部件进行设计,本文设计的刮板输送机采用了机头、机尾双驱动,传动部平行布置的总体设计。此次设计的重点是刮板输送机传动装置的设计,设计中采用了格里森弧齿锥齿轮—斜齿圆柱齿轮—行星齿轮三级减速器。本文最后对传动部的齿轮进行了设计计算和校核,对重要的轴、键进行了强度校核,对主要轴承进行了寿命校核。 关键字:刮板输送机;总体设计;传动装置;校核 ABSTRACT The scraper conveyor is a kind of equipment which can be used to transport objects continuously. It is widely used in many heavy industries such as coal mining and transportation. The scraper conveyor has a traction mechanism bypass, traction mechanism is mainly composed of the scraper chain, the central groove is the main bearing part. On many occasions, the scraper conveyor not only acts as the carrier of material, but also provides a running track for the shearer. This paper is mainly on the scraper conveyor of the overall part, transmission part, main parts design, the design of the scraper conveyor with head and tail double drive, the overall design of the transmission part arranged in parallel. The design is the focus of the scraper conveyor transmission design, the design of the use of Gleason spiral bevel gear - Helical Cylindrical Gear - planetary gear reducer three. In the end of this paper, the design and calculation of the gear of the transmission part is carried out, and the strength check of the main shaft and key is carried out. Key words: scraper conveyor; overall design; transmission device; check 目 录TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 7892 1 绪论 1 22634 1.1 刮板输送机的研究现状 1 16498 1.2刮板输送机的工作原理 1 3759 1.3 刮板输送机的分类 1 749 1.4 刮板输送机的组成 1 29571 1.4.1机头部 1 15165 1.4.2中部槽及附属部件 1 21327 1.4.3刮板链 2 19021 1.4.4紧链装置 2 16614 1.1.5推移装置 2 16083 2 总体设计 3 658 2.1刮板输送机设计计算 3 5813 2.1.


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