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奥林匹克主义 olympism 《奥林匹克宪章》指出:“奥林匹克主义是将身、心和精神方面的各种品质均衡地结合起来,并使之得到提高的一种人生哲学。 The Olympic charter said: "the Olympic is body, mind and spirit of various qualities balanced combination, and make the improvement of a philosophy of life. Winter Olympic Games ------- Summer Olympic Games The Olympic Games begun at Olympia in Greece in 776 BC. The Olympic flag Asia Africa Europe Australia America White, limitless, middle is five-colour Olympic rings logo. Olympic Mascot 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 Understanding Friendship Solidarity Fair competition Higher Faster Stronger The most important thing ? < 近代中国的奥林匹克历程 The Chinese modern Olympic history 从中国参加第8届奥运会的网球表演赛开始,至l949年,中国运动员先后参加了第10、11和第14届奥运会。 第10届洛杉矶奥运会开幕式 第11届柏林奥运会海报 第14届伦敦奥运会海报 中国人魂牵梦绕的奥运情结 Chinese Olympic The Olympic torch the core concepts of the Beijing Olympic Games Green Olympics, high-tech Olympics and people's Olympics the slogan for the 2008 Olympics 考考你:奥运知识知多少 Try your best to answer the following questions 1.When and where did the modern Olympic Games start? In 1896 in Greece


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