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村经济学 现代农业科技 圆园19 年第13 期 期货价格保险对农户生产投入行为的影响研究 郑 宇 归鸿斐 金晓波 南京农业大学袁江苏南京 2 10095冤 摘要 着我国农业的发展 期货公司和农业保险公司联合推出了野保险+期货冶的农业保险创新模式遥以安徽省某县玉米期货价格保 险试点为例 探究这种新型期货价格保险对于农户的生产资金投入是否具有正向激励作用遥以普通保险模式为对照组 选用2014要2017 年 的保险数据进行回归分析 得到参加期货价格保险的农户会加大农业生产资金投入的结论遥最后基于回归结果 对于目前该保险仍存在的 一 问题进行分析 提出政策建议 为期货价格保险的推广提供借鉴遥 关键词 玉米期货价格保险曰生产投入曰激励作用 中图分类号 F323.7 曰F842.66 曰F724.5 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739渊2019冤13-0260-04 开放科学 资源服务冤标识码 OSID 冤 Research on Impact of Futures Price Insurance on Farmers Production Investment Behavior ZHENG Yu GUI Hong-fei JIN Xiao-bo 渊Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing Jiangsu 210095 冤 Abstract With the development of agriculture in China futures companies and agricultural insurance companies jointly launched the agricultural insurance innovation model of "insurance + futures".The paper took a pilot project of corn futures price insurance in a county of Anhui Province as an example to explore whether this new type of futures price insurance had a positive incentive effect on farmers忆 production capital investment.Taking the general insurance model as the control group the insurance datas from 2014 to 2017 were selected for regression analysis and the conclusion was drawn that farmers participating in futures price insurance would increase the investment of agricultural production funds.Finally based on the regression results the paper analyzed some problems that still existing in the insurance at present and put forward policy suggestions to provide references for the promotion of futures price insurance. Key words corn futures price insurance 曰production input 曰incentive function 中国是农业大国袁解决好野三 冶问题袁切实发展好 有一定


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