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胶东地区高职院校“区域融合,校企互动”办学模式研究 胶东地区高职院校“区域融合,校企互动”办学模式研究 【摘要】“区域融合,校企互动”办学模式是职业教育改革的一 种探索,是校企合作的高级层次。近年来,胶东地区提出、实践 了具有胶东地区特色的“区域融合,校企互动”的办学模式,形 成了找准校企合作的结合点,积极实施订单教育,建立校内外相 结合的实训基地,注重教学模式和管理模式的创新等基本经验。 胶东地区在实施“区域融合,校企互动”办学模式过程中还存在 着不足:如缺乏法律依据、政府宏观调控不力、教育资源分配不 均;企业对工学结合的积极性不高、缺乏成熟的合作意识、缺乏 足够参与校企合作的动力和能力;部分高职院校对校企互动合 作、工学结合的认识存在较大偏差,传统的教学管理体系需要改 革,高职院校自身不具有明显优势,高职院校负担比较重等。 论文提出了胶区地区优化“区域融合,校企互动”办学模式 的对策。包括建立完善、有效的运行机制,充分发挥政府的职能 和作用,发挥企业在校企合作中的积极性,增强学校在校企合作 中的开放性等。这些对策对胶东地区更好地实施“区域融合,校 企互动”办学模式,在发展定位和办学方向上实现与区域经济社 会发展的高度融合,推进全方位校企互动合作等方面具有现实的 指导意义。 主题词:办学模式 现状 对策 3胶东地区高职院校“区域融合,校企互动”办学模式研究 【 Abstract 】 "Regional integration and school-enterprise interaction" is an explore model of vocational education reform, and a high level cooperation between schools and enterprisesIn recent years, insiders of the Jiaodong region has proposed and practiced the school-running model of "Regional integration and school-enterprise interaction" with characteristics of the region of its own, established training sites in cooperation both in schools and enterprises, and attached great importance to the innovation of both education and management modelsIn the implementation of such a pilot model, there is still inadequate such as lack of legal basis, poor macro regulation and control of the government, and unequal distribution of education resources; some vocational colleges have reorganizational deviation to the model, and their traditional system of education and management remains unreformed, which brings no obvious advantages of their own, but heavier burden on these vocational collegesThis paper presents countermeasures on optimization of the model of "Regional integration and school-enterprise interaction” in Jiaodong region, including the establishment of a sound and effective operational mechanism, giving full play to the government on its functional role, bringing into play of the positivity of enterprises and strengthening the openness of


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