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《单片机原理及应用》课程设计报告 LED点阵广告牌的设计 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 成 绩: 2012年 6 月 14 日 信电工程学院课程设计(论文) PAGE I 摘要 本文介绍了一款以单片机AT89C52为控制器的LED点阵显示屏系统的设计。该系统可实现中英文字符以及特殊字符的显示和动态特效显示,通过控制按钮,可以实现不同效果间切换,达到实际应用中广告牌的要求。并且可以通过级连的方式来扩大显示屏幕的尺寸以达到增加显示内容的目的。 系统采用PC机作为上位机,上位机向单片机发送控制命令和上位机所存储的显示代码,AT89C52单片机接收并处理PC机的控制命令以及显示代码,由显示驱动模块驱动一个16×16分辨率的LED点阵显示屏的扫描显示。选用两片74HC138译码器作为I /O口的扩展,与LED点阵显示屏的控制列脚相连,16×16的点阵显示由4块8×8点阵组成。软件选用C语言程序编写。外部中断0输入口接控制按钮实现不同效果间的转换。所选用的AT89C52单片机具有价格低廉程序写入方便的特点使得整个系统方便维护和检修。除此之外,该系统只占用了单片机少量的I /O口和内存,为系统留下了功能扩展的空间。 关键词 52单片机;LED点阵显示;广告牌 Abstract This paper introduces a design of a LED matrix screen with a single chip microcomputer AT89C52 controller. The system can display the Chinese and English characters and special characters and show various dynamic effects.With the control button, it can realize the switch between different effects, which achieves the requirement of billboards in practical application. And by the way it can also expand the size of the screen in order to achieve the purpose of increasing the content by cascade. The system of upper computer is a PC. PC sends control command and store display codes to the single chip microcomputer. AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer receives and deals with the PC control commands and displays code.The display driver modules drive a 16 × 16 resolution of LED dot matrix display scanning display. We choose two pieces of 74 HC138 decoder as I/O the expansion of the interface,which is linked with LED dot matrix display listed feet.The 16 × 16 dot matrix screen consists of 4 pieces of 8 x 8 dot matrix screens. The codes are in C programming language. External interruption 0 input port is linked with control button which realizes the transformation between different effects. AT89C52 single-chip microcomputer is cheap and convenient to use and repair. In addition, the system takes only a little internal space and a few I/O


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